{23}If She Survives

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"CODI!! WATCH OUT!" I yelled.

The Ferrari was on her tail, smashing her bumper. Codi was trying to speed out of it, but the Ferrari came right on back. Who ever the fuck this was is about to get an ass whopan. Codi finally sped out, but the Ferrari came at full velocity and hit Codi. Her car flipped forwards and over, and over, and over again. The car was doing 360's in mid air, when her car finally hit the ground it was upside down. I got out of my seat and ran to her.

"CODI!" I said. "CODI!" I yelled out again, starting to tear up. I got to her car, her eyes were closed, her gas in the car was leaking. I tried pulling her out of her car, her fans ran behind. They helped me pull her out, I carried her to the stands and called 911. "Codi, please" I said between tears.

"Hello, 911 what is your emergency"

"Hi um car crash, person is not awaking, but breathing. 3345 Oakland avenue"

"Ok, try to keep on talking to her or him, we are sending help"

"Thank you, please hurry"

"Codi, boo. Don't die on me, please. You can't leave me, you can't leave Mike, or the others. Don't leave us." I said crying into her shoulder. Her breathing was almost inaudible, and her pulse was ragged. She can't leave me, I already experienced how it was with out her. And it was hell, she's my sister, bestfriend, person who helps me 24/7, just my bestfriend. If she dies and doesn't survive I will probably die.

"911!" I heard and saw the ambulance.

"Right here!" I yelled and picked up Codi and put her on the bed thing.

"Can I go with her" I asked the man who was bringing her in the ambulance, he nodded his head yes. I got in and sat down.

"What is her name?"

"Codi Elizabeth Winters" I said.

"Ma'am could you tell me what happened in the accident?" the man asked.

"Umm, so she was driving and a car hit her from behind very hard and her car flipped multiple times" I said and the man nodded and finished doing all the procedures.

"When we bring her in you will have to wait in the waiting room, she has a broken leg, arm, and collar bone, her insulin is low and as well as her blood pressure. She may or may not survive, but as far as I'm concerned, she seems like a tough kid and will probably get through it." the man said and flashed me a smile and rolled Codi out.

I walked out and sat down.

To: Zach, Mike, James, Liam, Izzy, Maria, Donavon, Ike.

Guy's! Hurry! Codi is in the hospital, come quick. She is on the line of surviving and dying.

Zach: What?!? What happened? I'm on my way baby :*

Mike: If she wakes up can you put me on the phone with her, I can't get out of the hospital room yet.

James: oh my gosh, I'm on my way

Liam: on my way, gonna get out of bed and get dressed, be there in 10

Izzy: OMG hope she survives, gonna speed on over there.

Maria: oh my fucking god! What the fuck happened!! Bitch you better tell me when I get there. I'm on my fucking way!! Got to get my shit ready, be there in 5 mother fucker.

Donavon: omfg! On my way! I hope she's ok, she better be! Be there in a few!

Ike: omg, on my way right now, was at the Starbucks anyway!

"Codi Winters?" A nurse asked, I stood up and walked up to her.

Me: ok thanks guys!! About to go in her hospital room.

"Right here, is she ok is she going to survive? Please tell me she survived-"

"Honey, she's in a coma. Survival is undetermined, but in the meantime guy can go in her hospital room." She walked me to Codis room and I sat in the closest chair.

"Where is she?!" the whole gang said and were trying to get in all at once.

"Right here, she's in a coma, they don't know if she will survive" I said in between sniffs, I was still crying.

"Baby, don't cry" Zach said and tried to comfort me. I pushed him, and yelled "Zach, I should be crying! She's my bestfriend she's usually the only one who is there for me, she is my other half ok?!?" I said and sat and cried. I got Codis hand and held it in mine.

"I-I'm sorry, I did-"

"No it's ok, I didn't understand at the moment" Zach said and hugged me.


I looked down, NO CALLER ID


If she survives it sounded like a robot

Yeah if she survives what

If she survives, I'm coming for you next.



Hey guys went to the therapist, and I might have anxiety and deppression. :( but me and my bf said the "L" word :D Pic of Codi on the chapter


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