Chapter 22: NAYA

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Naya sat in Omari's living room surrounded by Taylor, Omari, Aleshia and her parents.  So many thoughts were going through her head, she wondered if she had really killed Eric or would he come back for her?

"It's going to be okay baby, we are all here for you," Naya's mother attempted to reassure her.

Before Naya could respond, there was a gentle knock at the door. "I got it," Aleshia said as if she was already expecting more company.

When Aleshia opened the door, Naya couldn't believe her eyes, it was Siera. She felt betrayed, who would invite the one person who is the cause of everything that just happened.

"I invited her," Naya's mother said, sensing the tension in the room. "She wanted to be here for you baby and I couldn't turn her away. We are family and that's all that matters right now."

"Family my ass," Naya began to say. "It's funny how the only people I trust in this room are my mom and the people I just met." She said.

Everyone looked around in confusion, "Honey, what are you saying?" Lauryn said.

"How long?" Naya said as she turned around and faced Taylor.

Taylor looked as if she had no clue what Naya was referring to.

"How long have you been screwing my dad?" Naya asked calmly.

"What?!" Lauryn asked in confusion.

"Tell her dad! Tell mama that you've been sneaking around with my best friend for God knows how long!" Naya said. She was focusing her energy on something other than what she had just gone through. She needed to take her anger out on someone and Eric was nowhere to be found.

Naya didn't know if she was exposing facts but what other explanation was there for her father showing up to Taylor's house?

"Baby, I can explain." Jermaine looked her in her eyes, confirming that what she had just accused him of was true.

"Wait, let me get this straight, you cheated on mama with her?" Siera said while looking at Taylor in disgust.

"Don't look at me like that," Taylor said. "Nobody has forgotten what your skank ass did."

"Bitch you're younger than me and laying up in the bed with my daddy. I'll beat yo ass for disrespecting my family. What's up?" Siera said while taking off her shoes.

"Bitch try me," Taylor said motioning for Siera to back up the words that were coming out of her mouth.

"Both of you! GET OUT!" Naya screamed. "and Taylor, you can kiss our friendship goodbye because I will NEVER speak to you again."

"But--" Taylor began to say before Naya interrupted her.

"GET OUT!" Naya yelled.

Taylor mugged Siera as she began to walk to the door.

"Naya please, let me be here for you." Siera begged.

"Just like you were 'here' for my husband last time huh?" Naya said.

"That's fair, I messed up and I didn't fully realize it at the time but I am sorry Naya. Please forgive me," she said, seeming to be coming from a genuine place.

"I can't do this right now, please leave." Naya asked Siera politely.

Siera sighed but did as she asked and headed to the door.

Before Naya could face her father, she heard her mother finally say something.

"You bastard!" Lauryn said while looking at Jermaine in disgust. "That girl is the same age as your daughter, hell she's even younger than one of your daughters. See I knew your dog ass wasn't faithful to me Jermaine, but this here is a whole other level of disrespect.

Jermaine held his head down, he seemed to be at a loss for words.

"How long? How long have you been having sex with this little girl? Huh Jermaine?" She asked as she began to push him. "You been eyeing her since she was a little girl, you sick bastard? Is that why you can't be faithful to me? I ain't got what you want! You want a child!" Lauryn screamed as she grabbed a cup of water that had been sitting on Omari's table and threw it in his face.

"Okay, that's enough. It's time for you to leave." Aleshia said to Jermaine as she grabbed him and pushed him towards the front door.

"I want a divorce!" Lauryn yelled as Jermaine walked out the door.

"This ain't over Lauryn!" he yelled back.

"I believe it is," Aleshia said as she closed the door behind Jermaine and walked back towards Lauryn. "Come on baby," she said as she began to walk towards her room.

"No, I can't leave my baby," Lauryn said.

"It's okay mom, please go cool off. I need some space." Naya said.

Lauryn hesitated but she followed Aleshia to her room. Omari grabbed Naya's hand and hugged her.

"Can I please be alone, this is too much." she said.

Naya began to breathe heavily, she tried to breathe normally but she couldn't control each breath. Everything was rushing to her mind, had her mother been right? Was her father a pedophile? Had he been eyeing her best friend since they were both little girls? Was Siera truly sorry for her actions and should she forgive her? Was Eric really gone? Had she really killed him or would he come back for her? Were her days numbered?

"Breathe baby," she could hear Omari's voice as she began to gain control of each breath. 

Her breathing slowed and she began to take deep breaths. "I'm okay," she said reassuring Omari, her mother and Aleshia who were all standing around her. She could tell they were worried.

"I'm okay, I just need some time to myself. Today has been too much. Maybe I'll be ready to talk after some rest." Naya said, trying to sound convincing. She hated being seen in a state of vulnerability.

"Are you sure honey, we are all here for you." Lauryn said, she was obviously not convinced that Naya was okay.

"Yes mom, please." Naya looked her mother in the eyes practically begging for her space.

"Okay fine, but after you rest all of this has to be talked about. We have to figure this out." Lauryn said.

"Okay," Naya rolled her eyes as she watched her mother walk away with Aleshia. 

Omari grabbed Naya's hand and pulled her towards his room. "Come on baby, you can have the bed and if you need company let me know. Take as much time as you need. I'm with you through all of this." He said followed by a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you baby," Naya said as she climbed into Omari's bed.

She waited until she couldn't hear Omari in the room, she looked around to make sure he was gone. Tears began to form and she let them all go. This was her way of releasing, this was her way of helping herself. She cried herself to sleep as her recent life events flooded her thoughts.

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