Chapter 19: NAYA

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Naya had just gotten in her car and decided to call Omari. She had taken off work for a day to hangout with Taylor but Taylor cancelled their plans last minute.

Omari didn't answer her call so she decided to stop by the store to get medicine for her friend. She didn't mind hanging at Taylor's for the day, even if she was sick. She got the medication, hopped back in her car and headed back to Taylor's house.

As she pulled up to Taylor's house, she could see that Taylor had company. A man was walking to her front door, he didn't knock, instead he used a key to get in.

Naya soon realized that this wasn't some stranger, the man entering Taylor's house was her father.

What is going on? She thought.

Why would her dad be going into her best friend's house?

She parked her car down the road so she wouldn't be detected. She got out of her car and began to walk towards Taylor's house. She wanted to get a clear view of what was going on inside.

As she was walking, she heard something moving behind her. Before she could turn around and get a glimpse of what it was, she was grabbed from behind.

Naya let out a small scream but that was all she was able to do before her mouth and face were covered. She began to fight with everything she had but her efforts were pointless.

She could hear a car door open and before she knew it, she was being thrown into the vehicle. The vehicle began to drive off and she could hear two men talking.

"We've been watching you for a long time little lady," a voice said to her.

He pulled the cloth from over her head but she couldn't see anything on the outside of the vehicle. She saw a man driving, he didn't look familiar and neither did the man who was sitting beside her.

"What do you want from me?" She asked.

The men looked at each other and laughed, one of them began to speak. "We don't want anything from you darling, we're here for the cash."

The other mysterious man stated, "Did you really think you would be able to live a happy life with a man like Omari Fletcher? The man's got enemies all over the state."

So this is about Omari? She thought.

"Are you going to kill me?" She asked in fear.

"Well that's up to the boss man dear, we just deliver the goods." One of the men informed her.

"You'll be meeting him in about ten minutes, he's been waiting on this day." The other man laughed.

Naya began to look for exits, the men didn't tie her up or anything that would keep her from escaping. She decided that at the next stop, she would jump out of the vehicle and make a run for it.

The vehicle was in motion for what felt like another three minutes, when the vehicle stopped Naya hit the man that was sitting beside her and she grabbed the door handle.

The handle wouldn't budge, the door wouldn't open. The man in the back seat grabbed her and slapped her across the face.

"You stupid bitch! Did you really think you would be able to escape that easily?" The man said.

Naya began to cry, "Please let me go, please!" She begged. "I can pay you the money."

"It don't work like that darling." The driver said. "Now sit back, shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride."

Naya did as she was told, she was afraid but there was nothing she could do.

Moments later, the vehicle began to slow down until it came to a complete stop.

The man next to her put the black cover back over her head and opened the door. He pulled her out of the vehicle and she began to scream for help.

"Scream all you want, nobody's going to hear you." The man said.

"Come on," he said as he pulled her.

He was hurting her but she remained quiet and accepted the fate that awaited her.

The man stopped, Naya could hear him calling someone.

"Open up, we got the package." He said.

Shortly after, Naya heard a door open. The man continued to walk, pulling her by her arm. He opened another door and brought her down a few stairs. Her heart began to beat fast, she didn't know what to expect.

"Sit down!" The man yelled as he pushed her down into what felt like a chair. He then proceeded to put her legs and arms in cuffs.

"What do you know about Omari?" The man asked.

"I don't know anything," she answered.

"Well I've got somebody who does." He said.

Naya was confused, what is this about? She wondered.

"Me and Omari have been together for years! Did he tell you that?" A woman was now speaking.

Naya didn't recognize the voice but the woman's next words were enough to know who she was.

"You just won't learn your lesson huh bitch? The video wasn't enough for you?" The voice said.

Naya was silent, she refused to believe this.

The girl pulled the cover from over her head, she was inside of what looked like a basement. She looked up at the woman that had been speaking to her and confirmed that it was the woman in the video.

Omari assured her that this woman meant nothing to him but now she was alleging that she and Omari had been dating for years. She wondered who she should believe. She didn't know this woman so why believe her over him? But her recent experience with men has shown her that she shouldn't trust the words of a man either.

Naya's thoughts were quickly interrupted by a slap to the face.

"Bitch do you hear me talking to you?" The woman asked.

Naya was becoming angry, "I didn't know." She said.

"Well now you do bitch so I expect you to leave my nigga alone. Got it? Or this won't be the last of me you see." She threatened.

Naya didn't respond, she felt helpless.

The woman choked her, "Do you understand HOE?! Don't come near MY dick again." She yelled.

"Yes!" Naya said with tears of anger streaming down her face.

"Cry baby bitch!" The woman said as she walked towards the exit door.

Naya thought of ways to escape but she knew there was no way she could get out of the handcuffs.

Who would do this to me? She wondered. Was this the woman's attempt to get her to leave Omari alone?

The room grew quiet for a few minutes. Naya then heard the door open again, it was the man who had grabbed her and put her in the back seat.

"Why are you doing this to me? I get it! I'll leave him alone. I promise, please just let me go." She begged.

"Quiet little lady, you haven't even met the boss yet." He said.

Naya heard the door open again, but she couldn't see who opened it.

"Here she is boss. Call me when it's time to finish the job." The man said while walking towards the door.

Naya couldn't yet see who he was talking to until the person took a few steps closer.

Chapter Reflection:

Who is the boss man? Or is it a woman? What do they want with Naya?

All of your questions will be answered in the next chapter. I'll publish the next chapter after this chapter has:

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