Chapter 9: NAYA

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It had been two weeks since Naya had confronted her sister and beat her ass. She hadn't her anything from Siera but for some reason, Eric had been messaging her and begging her to talk. Eric had even popped up at her house twice since the incident.

On one occasion he had brought her apology flowers and the second time he had showed up begging her to talk to him.

Naya was not concerned with Eric anymore, she now had a distraction. During these past two weeks, Omari had shown out. He had showed her what it was like to be spoiled by a man. Eric had spoiled her in the past, but nothing that compared to what Omari was bringing to the table.

Omari had taken her out at least three times a week and when he couldn't take her out, he would do sweet things like sending her flowers or edible arrangements.

She still hadn't told Omari about Eric, she planned on telling him but she wanted to deal with it on her own before announcing her failed marriage to anyone else. She had only told Taylor and she finally told her parents after getting into a fight with Siera.

Of course her parents were shocked, her father wasn't as surprised as she had thought he'd be, but he had threatened to beat Eric's ass. Naya had immediately shut down that idea, she had enough drama to deal with and that would just be stirring the pot.

Naya's parents had encouraged her to make amends with her sister but that was the last thing on her mind. At this point, Siera could rot in hell and she meant it.

Naya sat in her office running Taylor all the tea that she had missed since she had spontaneously took a two week vacation from work. Taylor had said she needed to get her mind right and take some time off for herself and Naya didn't ask any questions. She wasn't one to invade one's privacy and if Taylor had wanted her to know, she would have told her. She'd be ready to listen when Taylor was ready to talk.

As Naya finished her mini story time, she could see that Taylor was shook. She was happy that Naya had whooped her sister's ass finally.

"It's nice to see you smiling girl, this Omari is what you've been needing. Please tell me you getting dicked down. Pleaseeeee." Taylor said.

"Sorry to disappoint you but no, my goody box is locked and he has to do a little more than this to get the key." Naya replied.

Omari had taken her to restaurants that she had never eaten, he had taken her to a gun range and they had been bowling. All simple things but Naya had enjoyed every second that she had spent with him.

"Alright girl, if it's one thing I've learned it's that men love sex and he"ll start looking elsewhere if he can't get it from you." Taylor said.

"Well he can get it elsewhere and lose me, his loss." Naya shrugged. She was annoyed that Taylor had made a statement similar to the one Siera had made during their argument. Besides, she had never even seen Taylor with a man. Taylor would flirt with men but if they tried to take it further, she seemed disinterested.

"You're right girl, and I'm happy that you have that mentality. Take your time, but girllll, I bet that penis is good andddd he got a lil' hood in him." Taylor said while laughing.

Naya laughed, "Girl, I can't wait to get it and he's always teasing me. It's so tempting but I just want to get to know him more before I give him a piece of me plus he doesn't even know about Eric yet."

"Bitch what? You haven't told him that you're married?" Taylor asked with a look of surprise all over face.

"No, it's not his business yet. Especially since we aren't having sex." Naya said.

"I disagree and I feel like this is the reason that you haven't had sex. You want to give yourself an excuse not to tell him." Taylor said, she was calling Naya out on her bullshit.

Naya had never thought of it that way but was Taylor right? She asked herself.

"Tell him girl, this man is obviously into you. Honesty is key! The longer you keep this from him, the worser it will be when you tell him.

Naya had began to feel bad, she had never thought this deep into the matter. She was now seriously considering telling Omari about her broken marriage.

"Put yourself in his shoes, wouldn't you want to know? And what if Eric pops up on you and him? Anything could happen Naya." Taylor reminded her.

Damn it. Naya thought. She knew that she had to tell him now.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell him." She said.

"Good, let me know how that goes." Taylor said while sipping her fake tea.

Another Man's Treasureजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें