Chapter 18: TAYLOR

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Taylor sat with Naya at her house, the two hadn't spoken much since their last conversation at work. They both had taken the day off and decided to have a girls' day. They talked as they got ready to go to the spa.

"So what's going on with you and Omari?" Taylor asked Naya.

"Girlllllll, so you know I finally decided to meet up with him to talk after work the other day." Naya said as she began to tell Taylor everything that occurred on her outing with Omari.

"Ouuuu, he sounds like a real man. I can't believe he gave you the key! What the hell. Girllll, I would have gave him the pussy too! Tell me, was the sex good?" Taylor asked with excitement.

"Yeah, he definitely caught me by surprise and chilleee, was it good? It was bomb, but that's not even the real tea. You have to brace yourself for this one." Naya said.

"Bitch tell me!" Taylor said, ready for whatever Naya would say next.

"So the next morning me and Omari were cooking breakfast, then his lesbian sister walks in the house. I didn't think anything of it because he had told me she was going to be staying a few days but you won't guess who she walked in with." Naya said.

"Who?" Taylor asked.

Naya sighed, "My mom."

"What was she doing there? They friends or something?" Taylor asked.

"That's the thing, apparently they've been dating." Naya informed her.

"Wait, so she's cheating on your dad?" Taylor felt a sense of relief. The whole time she had felt bad for sleeping around with Jermaine believing that his wife was innocent but turns out, she had been cheating too.

"It's complicated, my dad has been cheating on my mom for years." Naya said.

Taylor acted as if she were surprised but she knew that she was the woman he had been cheating with all these years. 

"It took him giving her an STD for her to realize that it was over between them. She only stayed with him for the sake of me and Siera but I gave her my blessing to divorce him. She doesn't deserve that, I don't care if he's my father and according to her, this girl makes her happy." Naya said.

Taylor couldn't believe what she was hearing. An STD? When did this happen? Did she have an STD?

Taylor gathered herself before she responded to Naya. "Ohhh, girl this is juicy!" She said, attempting to sound convincing.

"Tell me about it," Naya responded.

"Girl I'll be back, I got the runs." Taylor said as she ran towards the bathroom. She needed an excuse to get away from Naya as soon as she could.

As soon as she got in the bathroom she began to cry as she texted Jermaine.

As soon as she got in the bathroom she began to cry as she texted Jermaine

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Taylor wiped away her tears and headed for the living room. She pretended to be in pain as she walked towards Naya.

"Naya, I'm sorry but I'm not feeling up to this girl's day anymore. My stomach is in knots, it must be that chili I had earlier. Can we reschedule or do this later today if I'm feeling better?" Taylor said, hoping Naya would buy her story.

Naya looked a bit confused and disappointed but she agreed to reschedule.

Taylor helped Naya get her things and she waited until she was gone before calling Jermaine.

Fifteen minutes later, Jermaine was getting out of an Uber and heading for her front door. He used his key to get in.

"What's going on baby?" He asked as soon as he opened the door.

Taylor broke down in tears, "how could you do this to me? You said I was the only one but you've been sleeping around with other people."

"Taylor baby, you're the only one. What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Don't act stupid! Who else are you fucking?!" She screamed through her tears.

"Taylor calm down." He instructed as he tried to grab her hand.

Taylor snatched away from him.

"Don't fuckin' touch me nigga! I'm not playing these games with you. You think I'm stupid don't you?" She said, "Tell me who the fuck gave you an STD?!"

"Okay, okay...let's sit down." Jermaine replied.

"I'm not sitting my ass anywhere, I'm fine where I'm at." Taylor said.

"This was almost a year ago Taylor, it was a mistake and it wasn't supposed to happen. It was one time, Taylor, I promise." Jermaine responded.

"How could you do this to me? You out here fucking other bitches raw and then come here and put your dick inside of me? How could you?" Taylor said.

"Taylor I—" Jermaine began to speak but he was interrupted.

"Then you caught an STD from this bitch! Now I have to get tested! I could have been carrying an STD around for a year! A whole damn year! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Taylor screamed.

"Taylor you ain't gotta worry about that," Jermaine reassured her.

Taylor was filled with anger, "What do you mean don't worry about it? It's my fuckin' body you dumb ass."

"Calm the fuck down...and I won't tell you again. I told you, don't worry about it. I took care of it." He said.

" What do you mean you took care of it?" She asked.

"When I found out about it, I got treatment and I made sure that you were taken care of too." Jermaine answered.

"Taken care of how? She asked.

"I got medication for you and I made sure that you ingested it without me having to tell you what I had done. Taylor I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I love you too much. I didn't want to hurt you." Jermaine said.

"How can you love me but go around sleeping with other women?" Taylor said while crying.

"I know I've made mistakes and I can own up to them. Baby I was in a bad place back then and I hate myself for doing that to you."  Jermaine stated.

"I can't listen to this," Taylor cried as she began to walk away. She paused and turned around. "This is what you do to the woman carrying your child?" She said through her tears.

"What are you talking about? I gave you the resources to take care of that." Jermaine looked at her in confusion.

"I want this baby and I'm keeping it." She screamed.

"Taylor what the hell are you talking about? I told you that this couldn't happen." He said.

"I don't care what you told me. I want us to be a family." Taylor said firmly.

"If you keep this baby, we won't be shit. Do you understand me? We'll have a child on my time, I'm the one who has to suffer when this shit gets out and I'm not ready for that but you're too selfish to care about that." Jermaine fussed.

"Selfish? You're the one who is selfish. You are telling me to get rid of my baby just because you don't want to own up to your shit." Taylor yelled.

"Get rid of it or this is done," Jermaine said right before storming out of the house.

"Jermaine!" Taylor chased him.

"Taylor, go back inside. I need my space, I'll come back later. You and I both need time to think." Jermaine said as he began to order an Uber.

Taylor knew that Jermaine meant business and she didn't want to upset him anymore so she went back into her house. When she was inside she laid on the couch and began to cry.

Why would he make me choose between him and our child, she wondered as she cried herself to sleep.

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