Chapter 8: SIERA

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Siera sat on her couch in tears, she had finally decided to break things off with Eric.

Just moments ago, she had called Eric over and told him that they both needed to have a serious and realistic conversation.

Siera knew that she could never be with her sister's husband. She knew that she could never go public with him. She knew that she could never explain how they had fallen for each other in a way that others would understand or sympathize with her. She knew that she could never repair the broken relationship that she created between her and Naya.

Why didn't I think about all of this sooner? She thought.

Before she could drift deeper into her thoughts, she heard a sudden knock at the door. She opened the door without thought because she knew that Eric had done what she asked and came over.

To her surprise, when she opened the door, it was Naya.

Siera looked at her sister as if she had seen a ghost. Her heart instantly began to beat faster and she could feel her anxiety increasing. She tried to bring herself to apologize to her sister, but the words just wouldn't come out. She was stuck.

Naya walked by her and into the house. "Si, we can't avoid this forever. We have to talk about it. How could you do this to me? What did I do to deserve this from my own sister?" She said with tears forming.

Before Siera could get out a word, Eric was walking through the door.

"The door was open and why is Naya's car out—" Eric stopped mid sentence when he saw that Naya was standing right across from him in the living room.

Eric looked at Sierra as she tried to let him know that this was just as a surprise to her as it was to him.

"What the hell? Are you two still sleeping together?" Naya asked in an angry tone. "Eric, you told me that this meant nothing. You told me it was a mistake."

Siera couldn't believe what she had just heard. Had Eric really told Naya that she meant nothing to him?

"What?! I mean nothing to you? How could you say that Eric? You said I love you." Siera screamed.

At this point she didn't care if Naya was in the room. This man had made her fall for him, he had ruined the relationship that she had with her sister. She has lost it all for a man who didn't even give a damn about her.

"You just tried to make love to me the other night Eric, but I mean nothing to you?!" She screamed.

Before she could say anything else, she felt a hard slap across the face. Naya had slapped her with what felt like all the strength she had within her.

Siera knew that she deserved it but she was pissed. Sierra grabbed Naya by her hair and pulled her to the floor. Before she knew it, her and her little sister were having a full blown fight.

Although she had pulled Naya to the floor, it was Naya who ended up being on top of her. Naya was punching her and banging her head against the floor. Sierra felt helpless, so she grabbed Naya by the hair again and tried to flip her over, hoping that she'd finally be in control. She could feel Naya getting tired and Eric screaming for them to stop.

Eric finally grabbed Naya.

Siera could see that Naya was now swinging at Eric.

"You son of a bitch, you still want to take her side. She's a hoe and you're both dead to me!"

Naya finally stopped hitting Eric and headed for the door.

"Get out of my house you stupid bitch!" Sierra screamed, she had now gained the energy to stand up.

"What? Stupid bitch? Who the fuck are you calling a stupid bitch?" Naya asked.

"You put your hands on me!" Sierra screamed.

"And you put your hands on my husband so that makes you the stupid bitch, better yet, a stupid HOE!"

"Naya!" Eric said.

"Don't say anything Eric, I'm sick of her. Stop playing the victim. If you were a good enough wife, you wouldn't have to worry about him looking elsewhere. You barely give him sex, so of course he's going to look for it in another woman. Learn how to be a good wife and woman the fuck up. I can do your job better than you, he was supposed to be mine anyways but you took him. Just like you always do and then you blame me when shit goes wrong. FUCK YOU NAYA." Sierra had never said these things out loud and she felt good.

"Si, how did I take him? We both thought he was handsome, he approached me. How does that make me the bad guy? You can have him because at the end of the day, you'll have to live with the fact that he chose me first you insecure BITCH." Naya screamed.

"People make mistakes, get the fuck out." Siera noticed that her lip was starting to swell.

Siera walked up to Naya, pushed her out of the door, and slammed it behind her.

She could hear Naya beating on the door and screaming horrible things at her before she finally walked to her car and sped off.

Siera was filled with anger as Eric tried to soothe her.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked while rubbing her back.

"Eric is what Naya said true? Did you tell her that I mean nothing to you?" She asked, hoping that he wouldn't confirm.

"I never said that you didn't mean anything to me. I said the sex didn't mean anything but Si, I had to. She was already upset and I didn't want to make it worse. You know that I love you." He said, making Sierra melt inside.

"I wanted to call things off between us, I wanted to do right by my sister and put my happiness second. That's why I called you over Eric, but now things have changed. Naya is selfish so why can't I be selfish?" She said.

Siera walked over to Eric, wrapped her legs around his waist and began to kiss him on his neck. All the guilt that she had once felt was now out of the window after what Naya had just done to her.

She wanted Eric now more than ever. Siera got up and led him to her bedroom. Once they were in her room, she threw him on the bed, she wanted to take full control.

Siera hopped on top of Eric and kissed him again. She then kissed him all the way down his abs until she was unable to go any further. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down until his dick was out.

She spit on his dick and then stroked it with both hands. He was now rock hard which is what she had hoped for, it was time to go in.

Siera pulled her hair back and went to work. She was giving Eric the sloppiest head that she had ever given. She wanted him to see that she was better than her sister.

She sucked, slurped and stroked his penis until he couldn't take it anymore. Eric let out a moan under his breath and came inside of her mouth. Siera swallowed his cum, she wanted to please her man. She felt like Eric was finally her man.

In this moment, nothing else mattered. Not Naya, not the ass whooping that she had just gotten, not anyone on the outside, just Sierra and Eric.

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