Chapter 1: NAYA

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Naya sat on the couch with her glass of wine, she was pissed at what had just went down. Naya had just walked in on her sister and her husband having sex. Despite all of this taking place the night before, she was still in a state of shock and disbelief. Naya trusted her sister, she actually looked up to her.

Why the hell would she do this? She thought.

I'ma fuck both them bitches up as soon as I see them. I hope they both rot in hell, here I go trusting them and they go behind my back to have sex. I can't believe this shit! The nerve of them. I should have ended both of their asses!

Even though she had cut them both, it still hadn't satisfied her. She wanted to do more but she couldn't hurt two of the people she valued most in her life. The only man she ever trusted had just betrayed her. There was a sudden knock at the door interrupting her thoughts.

Go away. She thought, but instead she asked who was at the door.

A familiar voice responded, "Let me in Naya."

"Get the hell away from my door Eric, before I finish you off!" She responded.

"Naya Please! I'm sorry. It meant nothing, I'm so sorry," said Eric, Naya's husband of two years.

Naya responded by yelling at the top of her lungs, "Get the fuck away from my door, I hate you! You're just like the rest of these dirty low-down BOYS out here! Leave me alone, I mean it Eric and don't come back!"

"Naya it wasn't supposed to happen. Baby please just let me in so I can explain!" Eric screamed.

Naya responded very calmly, she had enough, "Eric, I'm not going to tell you again. Leave! You fucked my sister, she didn't force your dick inside of her. It was not a mistake, if you don't get away from my door Eric I will kill you. I swear to God!"

Eric had no choice but to leave, he knew that Naya was not playing around so he decided to get in his car and leave.

The nerve of him to come knocking on my door, Naya thought.

The truth is, she wanted to open the door, hug him, tell him that she had forgiven him and let everything go back to normal. Deep down she knew that would never be the case because she would never be able to trust him again no matter how bad she wanted to.

How can I long to be held by the person who causes me this hurt? She thought as a tear fell down her face.

Naya felt herself drifting into a deep sleep as she thought about what would come next.

When Naya woke up and looked at the clock it was three o'clock in the afternoon. She realized that she had just a little over an hour before her meeting with a client that she had previously scheduled. Naya jumped out of bed and headed straight for the shower. Once she had washed all over, she threw on clothes and headed for the door.

When she made it to her place of work, she put on a confident smile before she proceeded to walk through the door. Naya knew that her best friend Taylor would see right through her fake smile. She walked into her office and before she could completely sit down, Taylor walked in. "Girl what is wrong with you? You didn't even come by my office." Naya reassured Taylor that nothing was wrong as she made sure not to make eye contact. "It's nothing Taylor, I'm just tired is all," she stated.

"Cut the act, I know you like the back of my hand. Now tell me what's really wrong." Taylor said looking unconvinced.

"Eric cheated," Naya stated, trying to hold back the tears that were forming.

Taylor's eyes began to widen as she stood in front of Naya with a shocked look on her face. "He did what? Where? With who? Oh My God! I'm so sorry Naya."

Naya cleared her throat as she continued to speak, "That's not even the worst part Taylor, he cheated with Siera." Naya was now bawling her eyes out.

"Your sister? Wha- Why would they do this to you? You know if I were you, I would be in jail right now for two proudly committed, cold-blooded murders!" Taylor said.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I cut both of them bitches." Naya said while laughing. "I'm okay though, they can both rot in hell for all I care." She lied.

"Now Naya, you know you love them both. Hell, you probably already thought about going back to him and you know I'm right." Taylor replied.

Naya felt embarrassed knowing that her friend was right. As if she knew exactly what Naya was thinking, Taylor said, "Don't be embarrassed girl, once you're in love it's hard to let go."

Naya knew this was true. Love kept her attached to him even though he had cheated on her. Love was what had kept her from killing him. She hated this feeling. She hated the way she felt about him even after what had just transpired the night before.

"We are going out tonight Taylor," Naya said as she snapped out of her thoughts.

"Hell yeah we are, we gone find somebody to make you forget about Eric's sorry ass," Taylor stated with a sneaky smile on her face.

Naya looked at Taylor with disapproval. "Let's not forget that I'm still a married woman Taylor."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Yeah, just like he didn't forget that he was still a married man when he dicked Siera down."

Naya stared at Taylor with a blank face in disbelief of her last statement but she knew she was right.

Maybe having sex with another man wouldn't be that wrong. She thought. "You're right," Naya said aloud.

"I know I'm right, now get you some rest after work and I'll be there to pick you up at 10 o'clock. Be ready and wear something sexy." Taylor said while smiling.

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