Turning Point

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Dara and Seung Hyun went back to Seoul after their short vacation in Jeju. At the same time, Young Bae arrived at Seoul for an I.T. convention. Young Bae invited the couple for a drink. It was a great night but Dara feels sad since Seung Hyun has to leave the next day for his business trip. Seung Hyun didn't want Dara to send him away so they said goodbye to each other when Seung Hyun drops her home.

Seung Hyun left for his business trip the next day but he keeps his words to call and message Dara as often as he can. He sends morning text to her and video calls her at night. He even asks Dae Sung to sends flowers to Dara every day with Seung Hyun's handwritten notes of saying sweet stuff to her.

Two weeks had past and Seung Hyun is coming home tomorrow. Dara is excited to be him again.

At that moment, Dara will be having family dinner with the Cha Family. She's gathering her stuff when she received a call from Young Bae.

"Yah! Where are you?" Young Bae asks.

"I'm coming. I'm just getting my stuff so I can leave the office."

"Hurry up. Hyung is hungry. And when he's hungry, he's grumpy" Young Bae chuckles. Dara shook his head and gets her key and sling her bag on her shoulder before she heads out.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes." She utters as she takes the elevator.

"Okay. Shall we order now?" Young Bae asks.

"Yeah. Order a steak for me and some vegetables" Dara went out of the elevator and heads to the exit.


"No. Just sparkling water. I'm driving."

"Okay. Hurry up, okay?"

"Yes, Young Bae Oppa. Bye." She said before she hangs up. She walks towards her car and unlocks it. She's about to open the door when someone touches her arm. She was startled and looks around to see who it is. It was Na Ji Woo.

"Ohh.Na Ji Woo-ssi. What are you doing here?" Dara asks before facing her. Na Ji Woo looks normal. She's not wearing any makeup though and she's wearing simple clothes.

"Ms. Park, I need your help. You see, I lost my phone so I can't contact my manager to pick me up. Can you call my manager for me? The receptionist in the lobby doesn't know his number." Ji Woo begs her. Dara nods and smiles at Ji Woo. "Don't worry. I think I have Mr. Han's number." Dara said before she takes out her from her bag. She places her bag on the roof of her car as she calls Ji Woo's manager. Suddenly, something hit her head hard. The last thing she saw is Na Ji Woo's malevolent smile.

Dara wakes up and tries to reach for the back of her head but she can't do it. She opens her eyes and noticed that she is seated on the passenger's side of her car, her hands and feet are tied up with duck tape. She squirms but it was useless. She then directs her eyes to the person beside her. It was Na Ji Woo driving her car.

"Na Ji Woo, what are you doing?" she asks her.

"Park Sandara, let's die together, okay? If Choi Seung Hyun wouldn't be mine then no one will. I will die with you. No one will get Seung Hyun. Understand?" Ji Woo said before laughing hysterically.

Dara is scared but she tries her best to stay calm. "Ji Woo, talk to me. Don't do this. You have a brighter future. You will meet other men that will love you back."

"No!!! I want Seung Hyun!!! He's the one for me. He's meant to be with me. But you came around and seduce him. You stole him from me!!!" Ji Woo said as she steps on the gas and shifts to 5th gear. She's swerving and passing so many cars. Dara starts to cry. She can't even move because Ji Woo is driving too fast.

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