Party and Jealousy

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Ji Yong stares at Dara as she prepares breakfast for him. An hour ago, he's doing his early morning treadmill run when he heard his main door lock opens. Then, he saw Dara come, carrying some grocery stuff. He's happy that she's in his home because after last night when she went with Young Bae to a family dinner, he can't do anything. He doesn't want to invade the dinner too but Dara told him that she will visit him the next day. He didn't expect that she will visit him early in the morning before even the sun rises.

Dara noticed that Ji Yong is staring at her.

"What?" she asks him. Ji Yong gives her a lazy smile. "I just realized how much I miss you." he says. Dara smiles at her as she stirs the kimchi soup she's making. "I miss you too. It's been a lonely two weeks without you" she confessed while smiling sadly.

"I've been to many places but all I wanted is to be with you." Ji Yong cups his jaw while his elbow is resting on the kitchen table. Dara takes some bowl from the cupboard and scoops some kimchi soup in it.

"By the way, how's Lee Joo Yeon with you?" she asks casually.

"I think she gets it already. She only talks to me when necessary. We're civil with each other." he said as he looked at the food she's preparing for him. After completing everything, she sat beside him as she placed some spoon and chopstick on the side of his bowl.

"Ohh, by the way, Vice President Choi will have a party. It was Im Yoona's plan but Choi Jung Hwa will execute it. We're invited. They also invited Seon Woong Oppa, Hye Jung Unnie and Young Bae." she said. He nodded. "When?"

She shrugged. "Probably this weekend." He took a spoonful of the rice and dips it in the soup before he eats it. "Good?" she asks. "The best." he replied. She giggles.

"By the way, when did Young Bae arrive?" he asks.

"Last week. He's been taking care of Mom. Mom is delighted. She said she rather have Young Bae to be there for her than Seon Woong Oppa because he's so fussy. Unlike Young Bae who treats her normally and always smiling at her." she smiles.

"Do you stay at Dong's mansion?" he wants to know if Dara lives in the same roof as Young Bae. "No, I go home." she said as she takes a sip of her kimchi soup. He nodded and eats.

Then he remembers an important matter. "I have something to tell you." Ji Yong said.


"I received a really great offer. A movie and a TV series." he said. Dara smiles brightly. "That's great news! Congratulations." she said.

"Thanks. It is awesome. But it's in the U.S.A." he paused. "A TV station in L.A. offers me a leading role in a new crime TV series and Warner Brothers offer me to be one of the lead cast of their new Sci-Fi movie." he explains. Dara remains quiet while staring at him. Ji Yong feels nervous about her reaction.

"That's awesome. You should go for it. It will be a great Hollywood break for you." Dara said. Ji Yong smiles. "I know. I want it. I want this. It's once in a lifetime opportunity. But I want you to come with me." he said.

"What?" she asked.

Ji Yong took her hands. "Dara-yah, come with me to America. Let's live there together. I can ask them to get you as a production assistant if you want. Just come with me." Dara gulped. He's serious. He wants her to go with him to America.

"Ji Yong-yah, you know I can't do that. I have a job and Mom is sick. I want to be there for her." she said. Ji Yong sighs. "Just think about it. I don't want to leave you here. I want to be with you wherever I am." he said.

"I'll think about it." she said. He smiles and kisses the back of her hands. He let go of her hands. "Let's eat so I can drive you to work." They continue to eat.

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