Jade Garden

459 19 2

A/N: Early update since I'll be busy the whole week.


Dara is busy arranging her home office. She even bought a new comfy office chair and a corkboard where she can pin some notes and pictures in it. She pinned a new picture in it. It was taken during her dinner with Dong Hae, Yoona, baby Ji Eun, and Seung Hyun. On the photo, she's carrying baby Ji Eun. Yoona and Dong Hae are on her right while Seung Hyun is on her left. She really likes that photo because Ji Eun is smiling and looking at the camera and they all look happy in it.

She's really thankful that Ji Yong hasn't bothered her for days now. Although, he tends to engage in a conversation with her regarding the emotion needed in his characters or whenever Joo Yeon and she are having a conversation. But he keeps his promise.

She's currently rearranging her bookshelves when the doorbell rings. She went out of the room and checks the doorbell monitor to look at who it is. On the tiny monitor, she saw Seung Hyun. She pressed the button to let him in the building. She checked her living room if it is clean. It's fine but she picks up the mug she used for her coffee and put it in the sink. She went to the patio to welcome Seung Hyun. A few moments later, the door opens and Seung Hyun enters. He looks casual today. His hair is not brushed up which made him look like a college student. He is also wearing casual clothes. A black long sleeve shirt, denim pants, black sneakers, and dark brown trench coat. He's carrying a plastic bag of take-out food.

"Hi. Did I disturb you?" he asks.

Dara smiles at him. "No, I'm just rearranging my books. Come in." Dara took out a pair of slippers on the cabinet and put it down so he could use it. Seung Hyun takes off his shoes and wore the slippers. They went to the living area.

"I brought some sweet and sour pork, spicy chicken feet and side dishes. I want to have lunch with you if that's okay," he said. Dara took it from him. "Of course, I'm just going to cook some rice. It won't take long". She carries the plastic bag in the kitchen and places it on the kitchen top. While she's preparing the rice, Seung Hyun took off his trench coat and places it on the single chair. He then looks around her home.

"Your place is huge. I think it's bigger than mine," he said.

"Hye Jung Unnie picked this. Mom wants me to have my own home and Hye Jung pick this," she explains. Seung Hyun looks at the picture on the drawer near the door of her office. He saw Dara's picture with her biological parents. Her Mother is beautiful like her and her father looks strict but softie when it comes to his daughter. There are also photos of her during college, with the Cha Family, her and IU, and her photos with him, Se Kyung, Dong Hae, Yoona and Ji Yong in the award ceremony. He feels a bit bitter because she was standing with Ji Yong while they have Se Kyung between them.

Dara returns to the living area. "It will take a while but we will eat once its cook," she said. She noticed that he was looking at the pictures on the drawer. Then she saw the group picture on the award ceremony. She stood beside him and hold on to his arm. "I really like that photo. That is when our groups started. I can't just simply dump it." she explains.

Seung Hyun looks at her. "I understand. But we can have another photo if you want. We just need Se Kyung to be here." he smiles. She nodded. "Someday."

"Yes." Seung Hyun agrees. "By the way, it's been three years since I last saw you like this."

"What do you mean?" she asks. Then she remembers. She wasn't wearing her contact lens that day. She's wearing her black frame glasses. Her hair is tied in a messy bun. She's wearing a baby pink long sleeve sweater and black pants. She let go of his arm and covers her lips in shock. Seung Hyun laughs.

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