Chapter Eighteen | Enemies

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Daniel's P.O.V.

If I was in a cartoon, I would have made a gap in the ground from all the walking back and forth I had done. Speaking of a cartoon, if I were in one, my life wouldn't be such a mess.

A few weeks ago, there was this girl in my class who liked me, followed me, and was popular, and all but now, she's like the devil – a devil who's threatening my mate. That's not something I can let pass easily.

After we read the letter, Jack and I didn't let go of Lana for two hours. I told Mason to come with June with him, so Lana could be safer. We let them read the letter, and they both promised they would protect Lana. All I could think about was picking Lana up and locking her somewhere safe. Jack agreed with me. We would have gone through with the plan, but she told us she would never speak to us again if we did.

I knew I had to think clearly about the situation, and that wasn't going to happen with all these people around me, so I made my way outside. I had to calm down my wolf as he stalked back and forth in my head, growling loudly every so often. To calm him, I decided to go on a run. I turned into my wolf and let my legs lead me. My head was empty, and I ran and ran, pushing myself further and enjoying the feeling of the wind through my fur.

I was disappointed when I reached a village because I had to stop running. I realized I had forgotten my clothes, so I hopped into someone's backyard and grabbed the clothes that were drying. Luckily, nobody was home. After that, I decided that I was hopelessly lost, I didn't have a clue of where I was.

I went into the village to ask someone where I was exactly. I got a few weird stares because I was walking around barefoot. I was about to go into a bakery to ask where I was when I smelled rouges. Even though I had no idea where I was, this was still my property. So, I followed the sent into an abandoned building.

I rolled my eyes when I thought about all the times I screamed at people in movies 'don't go into the abandoned building, stupid!'. I began to hear voices on the second floor, and I made my way to a door that said 208. I brought my ears to the door and listened. I heard the clicking of a gun and someone talking.

"Why are we sitting around here doing nothing, sir? We could be getting her back." I guessed this man wasn't any older than twenty.

Then, another voice spoke. This voice sounded like a man in his forties. "Be patient. First, we will grant her some happiness, and then, as punishment, we will take that life away from her."

"But what if she escapes us? Won't the other groups think we're weak?" the first voice asked.

"I know you want your fiancé back, but I already told you, I put a tracker into her when she was younger, so we won't lose her, and no one dares to move against us. You know that Kai"

"So, when we get her, we'll go back?"

"No, silly boy. First, there is a little alpha who I have to take care of, and that's the part in which I need your help."

Again, there was the sound of a clicking gun, and the first man spoke. "What's the plan?"

While the older man explained the plan, my worry grew. I couldn't believe what they were talking about.

When they came to the last part of the plan, I suddenly heard, "Hey, what are you doing there?"

I was so focused on listening to the conversation that I hadn't noticed the two heavily guarded wolves who were now glaring at me. The guy on the right lifted his gun, and I ran for it. I jumped out of the window. The sound of breaking glass was followed by the sound of guns firing recklessly. I almost made it to cover when I felt a sharp sting in my leg. I jumped to cover and grabbed my bleeding leg. When I heard a sound after me, I turned around as quick as possible.

I stared with wide eyes as Chelsea walked towards me wielding two pistols. She stood in front of me when the two wolves arrived. I felt like crying and laughing at the same time. It wasn't hard to guess this was going to end badly for me. I couldn't believe this. I mean, seriously, I can't even go for a run without getting shot and encountering the enemies.

I closed my eyes for a second to make sure I wouldn't go mad.

"This boy is in my custody," stated Chelsea, looking at the two men.

"And who are you to make such decisions," said the left man mockingly.

"I am Chelsea Abque, and tell your boss that if he wants to get to a certain alpha, he has to get a certain girl called Lana." When Chelsea said that, I felt a wave of warm hate flow through me - hate for the people in front of me. My wolf agreed with me, and I let him have half of the control. I felt my wound heal faster than normal, and in no time, it was like nothing happened. I stood up and let the power roll of me in waves. Chelsea turned around in surprise. I guess she didn't get the part that I became a US-alpha.

"You will not touch my mates," I shouted in a beastly voice. I grabbed Chelsea's guns and crushed them in my hands. I took a step towards her, but she made a run for it and was gone in a few seconds.

I could easily catch her, but I wasn't in the mood for that, and I knew she wouldn't return soon. So, I brought my attention back to the remaining two guys. They believed that the two of them could easily beat me, but before they could even move, I had my hands around their necks and their feet were off the ground.

"Now, tell your boss to keep his hands off me and my mates. Understood?" The only answer I got was nodding. I threw them towards the building and made my way to the border of the village.

When I saw the name of the village, I knew exactly where I was. It was a one hundred kilometer run from this point to the pack house. I turned into my wolf and began to follow the road. On the way, all I could think about was about was what I had overheard – all the plans there were to destroy me and my pack. I pushed myself further. I had to be home as soon as possible.

Jack's P.O.V.

This was probably the thousandth round I had run in my search for Daniel. He said he would be outside for a little while, but it was already dark. Lana wanted to help too, but she had to stay safe with Mason and June. I was tired and worried, so I screamed into the silence.

"Daniel, where are you?" As expected, no response came. Through mind link, I told Lana I still hadn't found him, but that he was a big boy and could take care of himself.

At first, we tried to mind link Daniel, but it was like he blocked us out. Another ten minutes of searching passed when finally, Daniel's voice sounded through the mind link, telling us he was okay. I let Lana do the scolding part while I made my way back.

Suddenly, I saw a red light coming through the trees. Even though I wanted to be with my mates, I went to check it out. What I saw was confusing. A blond woman in a red dress was drifting a bit above the ground. My wolf and I grew weary at the sight of this beautiful creature. Her blue eyes snapped open, and I let out a growl. She might be beautiful, but she was still a stranger

"Who are you and what are you doing here," I growled at her.

She tsk'd before speaking. "What kind of manners are that? Well, people call me the woman in red, and I am here to destroy you and your mates. Don't worry, it's beautiful in heaven," She said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

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