Chapter Nine | The Accident

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pic of Daniel ^^^


Daniel's P.O.V

The darkness surrounding me was like a never-ending hole I never stopped falling through. Strangely, it reminded me of Alice in wonderland. Once, I had to read it for school. I thought the girl was crazy.

Well, this was going to sound crazy, but I really would like to go to school right now. It felt like the darkness was choking me, and let me tell you, it was not a nice feeling.

Then, I hit the ground. It was weird. I should have broken all my bones, but instead, I didn't feel anything. I stood up and looked around. All I saw was darkness.

"Hello," I screamed into the darkness. I know it's crazy, but who blames me; I had to try something. Suddenly, I heard a loud growl from behind. I turned around slowly, terrified at what could possibly be with me in this dark abyss. I faced the biggest wolf I had ever seen.

The wolf opened his mouth and spoke: "Daniel, I am your wolf."

I think my mouth hit the ground before I spoke. "Uh, sorry to disappoint you, wolf, but I've seen myself in wolf form, and I sure as hell am not that big."

He looked into my eyes and began to explain. "When we found our mates, I could finally take my real form-"

Before he could finish I piped up. "So, you're like a power-up – like in the games?"

The wolf growled loudly at me. "I am not a powerup," he roared.

"Sorry. I didn't know someone would be offended so easily." I placed my hands up in a surrender motion.

The wolf calmed down and continued his explanation "A witch placed a spell on us when we were little. She thought that she could kill us before we found our mates. However, you can see she didn't. I do have to warn you, though, she isn't dead."

"Uhm, okay, so because of a witch who wants to kill us, you couldn't take your real form?"

The wolf turned his head. "You know, Daniel, I am still your wolf, Jess. I am not the only one who changed. When you wake up, your muscles will be a little bigger, and you'll be little taller."

"Well, I think my mates would like that," I murmured to myself. I saw Jess smile as well. Well, as good as a wolf could smile.

"Daniel, you now have to return to your body," Jess stated seriously.

"Well, this day is weird." I murmured. I felt something like a pull, and Jess disappeared. I had felt as if I was getting pulled upwards and upwards.

Soon, it stopped, and I moved my hands, my eyes still closed. I was happy to feel my hands again. I opened my eyes slowly, blinking away the harsh light. I grunted a bit as I sat up, my muscles stiff from laying for so long. Almost immediately after, I heard a light scream and felt somebody jump into my arms. I looked down to see Lana, hugging me tightly.

She pressed her lips to mine, and I felt tingles explode in my stomach. I could feel her happiness through the kiss, and I smiled. When we broke up, I looked to the right. I saw Jack standing there with tears in his eyes and a big smile on his face. Before I could say anything, he also pressed his lips to mine. His kiss was full of hunger, and I soon wanted more, but we both knew that we couldn't do that in a hospital.

With one arm around Lana - who had rested her head on my chest - and my other hand caressing Jack's cheek, I felt like I was in heaven. Jack looked down sadly. "Daniel, I should have-"

I cut him off, rubbing his cheek tenderly, "Jack, it's not your fault; it's my fathers." He nodded his head as the doctor came in.

"Alpha, we have to run some test on you, and if you pass you can go home."

I released my mates and nodded at the doctor. He quickly set to work, testing me, and I could see on his face that I passed all of them. So, I could finally go home. I know a night in the hospital isn't a lot, but this place brought up horrible memories. I was relieved when we finally walked out of the hospital.

"Guys, I don't really feel like going home yet – with my father and all," I said to them. Jack nodded in understanding.

"Come, we're going to take a walk in the park." We walked quickly to the park in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts. When we sat down on a bench, Jack was the first to talk.

"Daniel, getting you out of that hospital reminded me of the accident."

"I know." I wasn't angry at him for bringing it up.

"Which accident?" Lana's little voice asked us.

"She has a right to know Daniel," Jack said. I sighed, knowing it was true. I turned to Lana and began to speak over what happened a few years ago.

"A few years ago, I had a sister. She was my everything. I loved her dearly. Her name was Shay. One day, Shay, I, and our mother were making our way to a festival. It was a nice summer day. Shay had managed to sit in front together with my mother. Of course, I also wanted to be in front. So, I was irritating her, and she took her seatbelts off to slap me on my head.

The music was playing hard, so we didn't hear the motorbike coming. The driver of the motor threw some sort of bomb at the car, and my mother lost control. We hit a tree, and when I woke up, I saw my sister torn into pieces, leaning through the front side window. If she would have worn her seat belt, she would have lived. My father blames me for her death. The driver of the motorbike wore no helmed. I will never forget his face." It was silent for a few minutes.

Lana spoke up. "I know it probably won't help, but can you describe to me what he looked like?" I nodded and asked Jack for a piece of paper and a pen, which he happened to have for some reason. I drew a picture of the boy. It wasn't in detail but if she knew him, she would probably recognize him.

I gave the drawing to Lana slowly. My heart skipped a beat when her face became surprised, angry, and sad at the same time. She opened her mouth and looked at me, stuttering with surprise and grief. "That's- That's my bro-brother."

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