Chapter Twelve | Dark Past

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pic of Mason!!


Lana's P.O.V

I looked to the dark world outside. There were a few stars lacing the sky, but they were hardly noticeable. It was a night when you don't want to be alone in the woods. I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

I listened while Daniel was questioning the new girl whose name we now know is June. That was the only thing she told us until now. Mason hasn't said a word - that what's bothering me the most. Well, I don't think it's supposed to be easy to hear that your mate – your other half – was a member of the Mafia.

I stepped away from Mason's window. He really had a beautiful house, not too big and not too small, just right. I turned around to look at Jack. He had, sadly, put his t-shirt on again. He had his arms crossed over his chest and looked at Daniel. I sighed dreamily. He looked like a standing there deep in thought. His head snapped to me, and he smiled supportively at me. I gave him a small smile back.

We could both feel Daniel's frustrations. He was trying to get answers out of June for a half hour now. They sat across each other, and she didn't even move when he asked her something.

Seriously, it looked like this girl had a good training in not saying anything. The human Mafia is already serious shit, but a werewolf Mafia could be the death of us all. I looked to Daniel who had his head on his hands and his eyes shut. Well, someone has to do something before he gets a headache. I walked over to him and laid my hand on his shoulder. He looked up to me and I smiled softly at him, silently telling him to let me handle this.

He sadly smiled back at me. I looked to June who still didn't do anything other than look at me, blank-faced. There wasn't any trust, happiness, or any sort of excitement in her eyes, but there always wasn't hatred or anger. I wonder what her story was.

I am always curious about someone's story. I mean, there are so many people in this world and everybody has a different story, each with bad and good sides. I smiled to June and spoke. "Hey, I'm Lana. Would you like some hot chocolate?" When she didn't say anything, I asked Mason if he could get something. I don't think June noticed, but when I said Mason's name she tensed and then relaxed.


When Mason came back with hot chocolate, he gave it to me with a what-the-f*ck-are-you-doing look. I just smiled softly, letting him know it was okay. I turned to June and offered her the chocolate. She tilted her head a bit to the left, letting me know she was curious what I was going to do next. I was about to become scared that she wouldn't take the drink when she took the chocolate and took a big sip of it. I smiled at her and began my speech.

"Well, my name is Lana. Yesterday, I was an omega and lived in a tree house, and I was scared. In that time, I met my two mates, I fell in a classroom window, I got into a fight, and I got to know a great guy with the name Mason. One of my mates died and came back alive, and I had to share the shit story of my life. So, I think I have the right to something going easy today. So, tell me who are you precisely and what happened.

If you don't want to tell us private things, that's fine, but tell us the important things, and just accept that you have a new family here and a mate. And don't go all ' I am not going to tell you for your safety, and it's better for me to be alone, and I am a bad girl, and I don't need anyone.' Like all those self-pity and arrogant girls in stories because we want to know, and we can take care of ourselves. Mason also deserves to know." I closed my rant. June's eyebrow went up and she smiled a little bit.

That's when she spoke. "I like you, Lana. You're not one of those cliché girly girls." We smiled to each other and that was the moment I knew we were going to be good friends. "Well, I guess I have to answer you, don't I? My name is June, and I have no last name. My last job was being a member of the Mafia. They raised me as the Mafia-boss daughter. They weren't my real parents and they never did their best hiding it. When I asked, they would honestly answer that they killed them, but anything more, they didn't want to say.

I have seen more terrible things than the devil himself. I also have done many terrible things in my life, so I am pretty sure I came from hell.

Well, when we had killed a husband and wife, their kids became homeless. The Mafia didn't really care about them, but I always had a kind of weak spot for children. Without letting anyone know, I started a foster home for those children. Yeah, one of the only advantages of being a Mafia is that you have a lot of money. Well, at the end, my foster home was discovered, and in order to safe and the children I had grown fond of, I had to run away from the Mafia. Let's just say they didn't take it well that the Mafia boss' daughter had run away.

So, I got almost every Mafia member after me, and I don't worry about this pack not being able to take care of itself because the pack led by the US-Alpha must be a strong one. I'm just not really a people person." She finished, fiddling with her thumbs, her hands clasped tightly.

It was a lot to take in, so I waited for a few seconds before I spoke. "Well, I think we can handle all of this, and you can tell us tomorrow what a US-Alpha is." It warmed my heart that this person in front of me still had humanity left in her. She nodded.

She held her hand out for me, "I am thrilled to learn more about you and this pack, Lana." I nodded back and shook her hand.

"You stay here with Mason. Daniel, Jack, and I are going now, and we will be back tomorrow." Daniel and Jack looked like they wanted to object, but I shot them a look, and they shut their mouth. I stood up and walked to the door with Jack and Daniel. Daniel pulled his arm around my waist, pulling me to him, and whispered, "you make a good leader."

Then, I felt Jack's arm go to the other side of my waist pulling us to him and he purred in my ear "Yeah and seeing you bossy is super sexy." I smiled to myself. I got cool mates.

I hope I can finally get a good sleep tonight, but with two mates, you never know.

June's P.O.V.

I saw Lana walk away with her mates on both her sides, going straight into the darkness. She's a cool person, and maybe she will be my first friend ever. I go and sit on the couch, and it wasn't long before I felt him sit next to me.

I felt his stare on the side of my head. I turned my face to him and raised an eyebrow. A cute little blush came on his face.

He smiled at me and said, "I was just thinking about how strong of a person you are, going through all this alone, and that I would like to share the burden with you, and that you are the most beautiful person in the world."

I don't know what happened, but my stomach was beginning to feel weird again. I really had to ask Lana about this. It was a weird tingling feeling in my stomach, something I never felt before, but now every time I heard Mason's name and every time he said something, I would get it. I tried giving him a smile, not used to the feeling. He grinned happily, and before I knew it, I was on his lap with my head against his chest. I tensed, and he felt it because he said, "Don't worry I won't do anything. My wolf and I just need this." I automatically relaxed. I had never felt so safe before. It was worrying me, but at this moment, I just decided to go with my feelings and stay where I was.

I wasn't worried much about my mate's safety because he looked like he could take care of himself. He even looked fitter than the guys I met at my training. I can't wait to see his abs. I could feel from this position that they were rock hard. There were so many new feelings overwhelming me, I had to breathe in and breathe out to let my emotions go.

In doing so, I let myself drift into a deep sleep with my mate's strong arms around me, feeling for the first time safe.

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