Chapter Seven | Blood

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pic of Daniel


Jack's P.O.V

I looked at my mate's blood covering his whole chest. Daniel's head was laid in my lap as I whimpered softly. I am going to kill that bastard. The only reason I stopped myself is because of Daniel. I promised him.

I heard a soft moan of pain from the kitchen. It was Daniel's father. I had him tied up, so he couldn't escape. He was slowly waking up. I knew it wouldn't take him long to untie himself, I just hoped Mason would get here in time.

I couldn't just leave my mate. I felt his heart slow down as a soft groan leaves his lips. I whimpered at the sound, unable to bear the sound of my mate hurt. It was all my fault I should have jumped in earlier.

I then heard a high scream from the door and saw my other mate run to my side. Mason approached us with wide eyes. I looked him in the eyes before motioning to the kitchen, silently ordering to get Daniel's father.

"W-what happ-pened," my mate asked in a shaky voice.


His father came running to us with a deranged look on his face.

"Stay back and don't do anything," Daniel ordered me in his alpha voice.

It made me a little angry. I mean, I am his mate; he can't order me around. On the other hand, I got it. He needs to take care of his father himself.

Not able to move due to the alpha order, I stood there watching while his father launched the baseball bat at him. Daniel simply took a step back and the bat missed him.

"Dad, calm down. You're going to hurt someone this way." Daniel was trying to remain calm, but I could see him shaking lightly.

"There is already someone hurt, you piece of shit. I wanted a good son. You're just worthless and gay," his father screamed, his face turning red as he swung the bat randomly.

I had never seen Daniel look so angry. His face was twisted up as he bit back the words he wanted to speak. He had always tried to be the best son he could, especially after the accident, but he just didn't want to admit that after it, his father would never be the same. "Yes, dad, I am gay. I love Jack already. And I don't care what you say because for the last three years, I have tried to be a good son, but now I see I can't be a good son because you're a bad parent!"

I didn't have time to be happy at Daniel saying he loved me because his father launched at Daniel faster than either of us had anticipated, knocking my mate onto the ground, crumbling onto his legs. I heard a loud crack, and I was sure Daniel had broken one of his legs.

I whimpered softly and tried to move, but the alpha command held me back. Daniel stood up on one leg, his face flashing pain before turning stoic. Daniel's father swung his baseball bat again, but Daniel limped to another side so he missed.

Then, his father came to him harder. He knocked Daniel over and began to kick and beat him everywhere possible. When I saw blood coming from my mate's mouth, I totally lost it. I went against an alpha order and picked Daniel's father up, throwing him through a window of the house.

"You fucking piece of shit. How dare you beat your son half to death, you sick bastard!" I threw a punch, but he jumped away, and I missed. I aimed at him again, and I don't know why, I think it was the rage, I succeeded and knocked him into a wall.

I heard a groan come from the backyard, and I saw Daniel standing up. I wanted to scream at him to lay down as to not injure himself more, but I was knocked over by his father who took advantage of me looking at Daniel. With a loud thud, I hit the ground. I was dazed for a few moments, but when I turned to the fight again, I saw Daniel trying to attack his father.

His father knocked him to the ground and picked a piece of glass up. He then began cutting Daniel with it, shocking me. I quickly ran after his father and attacked him, hitting him on the side of the head forcefully, knocking him out cold. I swiftly tied him up with some rope from the kitchen and ran to my mate's side. I ripped his shirt off his body, seeing his chest covered in blood with multiple wounds covering it.

"Don't kill him," he muttered softly. I nodded quietly and brushed the hair from his face. He looked into my eyes. "I love-"

He lost consciousness before he could finish the sentence.


His heartbeat was now so soft, it was almost silent. I heard the siren of the werewolf ambulance speeding down the dirt road to us. Lana was beside me crying.

I grabbed her hand and turned to her. "I'll tell you what happened later, but right now, he's not going to die." The last part I said more to calm myself than her. I heard the ambulance right beside the house.

I muttered good things for Daniel in my head, hoping somehow he would hear them. His breath hitched.

Then, his heartbeat stopped altogether.

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