Chapter 20

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I walked in when I got to Lily’s like she had told me. I knew her mom wouldn’t be home and she wouldn’t want to come down to the door. “Lily babe I’m here,” I called threw the house.

“I’m in my room,” I heard her little voice. by her tone I could tell she had been crying and only just recently stopped. I spilled off my shoes and headed up to her room. Lily was curled up on her bed with her back to the door.

“Hey baby girl,” I said crawling onto the bed with her and pulling her close to me. “You okay?” I asked kissing her shoulder.

“I’m okay better now that you’re here,” she said turning to face me. I smiled that she made sure she stayed close.

“I’m glad I make it better,” I said holding her tight. “Am I aloud to kiss you yet?” I asked watching her as she bit her lip to my question.

“Did someone tell you that you weren’t aloud to?” Lily asked getting a little smirk. I was glad that she was finally smiling again. I smirked back before rolling us over so I’m hovering over her. She gasped in shock at our sudden movement making me smirk more before pressing my lips to hers. I was glad when she kissed back right away. I know we’re dating but I’m always worried she won’t kiss me back and will push me away instead. She always does the opposite though, the next thing I knew she was the one deepening the kiss. Slowly I slide my hand up her shirt stopping at her curve.I felt her pull away slightly.

“I won’t go farther,” I quickly whispered barely taking my lips away from her’s. She looked at me a little nervously, but slowly nodded. “Is that okay? I won’t move it any higher I promise.” I told her gently brushing my thumb over her side hoping it would make her feel more comfortable. Apparently it worked, because shes the one who started the kiss the second time. I smiled into it letting out a little moan when she tugged on my hair. Just as I do she pulls away. “sorr…” I was cut off from explaining that I can’t really control moaning. Instead I was shushed and had a finger pressed to my lips shushing me. I was about to ask what the matter was when something downstairs broke making Lily jump. “Your mom?” I whispered. The fact that Lily was nervous was making me nervous.

“No she won’t be home till late,” Lily said looking up at me. Even though she didn’t say anything I knew she was hoping I would protect her.

“Do you have a baseball bat or something?” She nodded and gently pushed me off of her before reaching under her bed pulling out a wood bad. “You sleep with one under your bed?” I asked looking at her a little shocked.

“Yea, there’s no guy in the household and I’m home alone 90% of the time I needed something to protect myself with.” After that I was surprised she didn’t have a gun.

“Okay I’m going to go check can you lock your bedroom door?” I didn’t really know what I was doing. I got up anyways and headed to the door. before I could reach it I felt Lily’s little hands wrap around my arm.

        “I’ll come with you that way if someone gets hurt I can call 911,” I nodded holding the bat ready to hit who ever well Lily held tight to the back of my shirt. Carefully we walked down stairs. When we got to the bottom there was a shadow moving.

“Go to the door we’ll just call the cops,” I whispered gently guiding her that way instead. She didn’t fit me on that and instantly went with me as we headed to the door. When we opened the door the shadow figure in the kitchen started looking around than at us. With that I put myself between her and the person and gently pushed her out the door unlocking the car on the was. “Get in,” I said quickly opening the driver side seeing as it was closer and I wanted her safe faster. Lily got in and climbed over to the passenger seat so I could follow. When I turned to Lily she was already on the phone with the cops.

Apparently her being 17 and no adults being with her made the cops get there fast. One came over asking us some questions well three went into the house. They cleared the house and said the kitchen window had been open, but it was safe for us to go back in. After that they gave us a card for if the burglar came back. Lily called her mom, but apparently since the house had been cleared it wasn’t important enough for her to come home.

“Ashton I don’t want to stay here alone,” Lily whispered as I sat her in the kitchen. I could tell she was still panicked partly because she had turned on all the lights and wouldn’t stop looking around. So I had sat her down and was getting her a glass of water.

“Do you want me to stay till your mom gets home from work?” I know Liz would be okay with it if I explained. Lily gave a little nod but somehow I don’t think she heard me, not really.

“I don’t want to stay here.” She mumbled.

“Okay babe text your mom tell her you’re staying at a friends, Liz will be fine with you staying the night,” I said going over to her pulling her to her feet and guiding her back to the car. “Do you need anything?” All I got was a shake of the head. I sent Liz a text saying Lily was staying the night and that I would explain when I got home. I already know Liz doesn’t like how little Lily’s mom seems to be home and that she had told Lily she could stay the night when ever. I think she meant more so on weekends but she would have to live with it.

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