Chapter 3

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Luke’s POV

         I’m so nervous being at a new school. It doesn’t help that I so far am away from the other boy’s. Mike, Ashton and Calum are fine alone they are good at making friends, but I stay to myself and get really shy. That’s why I am so glad that Lily was letting me tag along and made me feel welcome. Her and Ali were both being really nice to me and didn’t leave room for awkward silence, which was nice. Not to mention they were both beautiful girls. Though I haven’t actually met there friend Joy I had seen her and she was easy on the eyes as well. I think Calum was in the same homeroom with Joy. Well Ash and Mike are in year 12 so I haven’t met any of there class mates.

         We were cooking brownies and I was so lost in the kitchen. There were two main reasons my mom would always come on tour with us; one I would miss her to much and two if she didn’t come we would live off take out and cereal. I let Lily and Ali do most of it and just grabbed what they told me to. “Luke can you get three eggs from the front of the class?” Lily asked as she was stirring all the stuff together.

         “Sure,” I said heading up to the front of the class. I could feel some of the other kids staring at me. Quickly grabbed the eggs and head back to Lily, Ali and now my kitchen. When I was almost there a foot went out in front of me causing me to fall. The eggs went flying as I through my hands out to catch myself. I saw Lily catch two, but where’s the third? I felt something land on my head before something gooey leached into my hair. Everyone in the class burst into laughter. Oh god on my first day, really?

         “Luke you okay?” Lily’s gentle voice asked as she knelt down beside me. If it was just the egg in my hair or the fall I would be fine, but the rest of the class standing there laughing a few calling me egg head. I pushed myself up and sped walked out the door. I had no clue where I was going or how to get to a washroom, but I needed to get out of the class. “Luke!” Lily called as she ran after me. I saw a sign telling me I had found the washroom. I quickly slipped in so Lily couldn’t follow. I knew she hadn’t laughed at me, but I was a mess and didn’t want her to see. I sent Calum a quick text.

Text to Calum: can you get out of class?

         A few seconds later my phone vibrated. Good old Cal always answers fast.

Text from Calum: yea sure where you at?

 Text to Calum: washroom by our lockers

         After I texted him I started trying to get the rest of the egg out of my hair. With in a few minutes Calum came in. “What’s up… whoa what happened?” he asked once he noticed the egg, and I’m guessing the fact that I was almost in tears. Wow I’m such a wimp. I get laughed at and almost cry. “Does this have something to do with Lily standing outside the door?” he asked as he came closer and checked the rest of the washroom for other people.

         “She’s waiting outside?” I asked a little confused as to why she would care enough to wait out side for me to come out.

         “Yea I think she likes you as much as you do her,” he said with a smirk as he went to the door opening it. “All clear love,” Now I was really confused. Lily came into the washroom with a chair. Well that’s a little strange this is the boy washroom. Then again it was just Cal and I in here. When the door closed Lily locked it and put the chair in front of a sink.

         “Let’s get that egg out of your hair,” she said giving me a sympathetic smile as she pointed at the chair. I sat in the chair still feeling really confused.

         “Come on Luke just let her help you because I sure as hell don’t plan on picking it out of your hair,” Calum said making me smile a bit. I leaned my head back like you would at a hairdresser. Lily turned the tap on and started rinsing the egg out of my hair. I closed my eyes as she ran her fingers through it. I had to make sure not to moan seeing as fingers through my hair kind of turned me on.

         “There no more egg,” Lily said as she finished. “But your hair will be extra soft egg is actually really good for it,” I couldn’t help but smile at her quirky little comment. “I take it you don’t want to go back to that class today though,” I let out a sigh realizing we probably should.

         “I don’t want to get you in trouble,” she had been so nice so far I didn’t want to be the reason she got in trouble.

         “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve skipper and Ali said she was fine cooking on her own for the class,” apparently I found a rebel as a new friend. “Besides you two don’t know where to go that you wont get caught,” she said with a smirk.

         “I think you just want to skip and are using Luke’s embarrassment as an excuse,” Cal said only making me more embarrassed and red cheeks and smacking him.

         “No and besides he shouldn’t be embarrassed one of the guys tripped him because the girls wouldn’t stop staring and they were jealous,” I blushed at her words.

         “Why would they be jealous?” I said still embarrassed by her words and the smirk Cal was giving me.

         “Your kidding right?” Lily looked at me like I just asked the dumbest question. “Maybe because you’ve performed in front of thousands on tour you can sing play guitar, not to mention you’re hot…” I don’t think she meant to say the last one because once she said it she turned really red and looked down. I like that she thinks I’m hot though because she was down right gorgeous.

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