Chapter 2

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         “I'm sure we can find you one probably even one with three other empty ones close by," I said trying to be encouraging. Luke gave me a smile, I think he could tell I was trying to make him feel better and that in it's self was helping. "So wouldn't Michael and Ashton be in grade 12?" I asked hoping to distract him.

         “Yea so I won't have classes with them but I might have a few with Calum," he said feeling a little better. 

         “Well lets find you a locker hopefully close to the others then get to class,” I said leading the way. Aliyah came up beside me glancing at Luke.

         “Holy shit,” she whispered. I had to agree with her this was like a dream. A dream I never thought would come true, but look how wrong I was. I looked at her with a small smile not wanting Luke to feel awkward. We walked down a flight of stairs to where Aliyah, Joy and I had our lockers.

         “Well do you want to see if there are any open lockers down here it’s the closest to home room,” I said gesturing to the lockers around. Luke again looked awkward with all the people around but started looking around.

         “Well I was going to say you won’t believe who just transferred to our school but I guess you already know,” Joy said coming up behind us, as Calum who had been with her walked over to Luke. I couldn’t help but smile as Luke finally relaxed fully.

         “Yea Luke’s in our home room,” Ali explained with a huge smile. “And Luke’s in our cooking with us,” she added. I think all three of us were overjoyed. “Speaking of which we should go or we’ll be late,” she added, I don’t mind being late but Luke being new I didn’t want to draw more attention then need be.

         “Hey Luke you ready to go to cooking?” I asked walking up to him and the other boys who had joined him. All of then tuned to look at me, and I weather they meant to or not I couldn’t help but notice the three who hadn’t yet met me look me up and down.

         “Oh yea sure but first this is Calum, Ashton and Michael,” Luke said pointing at them in turn. I couldn’t help but smirk at his introduction. “And you already knew that,” he said seeming to remember that I’m a fan of theirs. “Guys this is Lily,” he said a little red now that the others knew he had been confused.

          I was greeted by a cores of hi’s and hey’s. “Well you sure have Luke in a twist, don’t you love?” Ashton said smirking at Luke who turned and even brighter red. I couldn’t help but blush as well. Luke couldn’t have a thing for me I wasn’t nearly attractive enough.

         “I’m sure he’s just nervous with a first day at a new school,” I defended him. “But if you're ready we really should go to class, but it was nice meeting you boys,” I said hugging my binder to myself. Luke nodded heaving his backpack onto his shoulder. Ali was waiting by our lockers and joined us as we walked by. I have to say I was a little worried how the other girl’s in our class would react. I can see them either swooning over Luke or laughing at his accent. Some how I think both would make him feel uncomfortable.

         When we got to the cooking lab Miss. Grey noticed Luke right away. “And who’s this?" she asked me with a raised eyebrow. Luke had again hid in himself now that he wasn’t with the other boys and looked down at the ground.

         “This is Luke he just enrolled here and this is what his time table says his class is,” I explained to her. She looked at the attendance sheet before nodding.

         “Okay well I’m going to put him in your group because you are only a group of two. Luke the girls can fill you in on what you missed from yesterday,” she said before turning to the rest of the class. “Okay you all know what you’re making so go ahead and get started,” she said making the class jump into action. I noticed a few of the preps staring at Luke. I think he noticed to because he kept looking around a little nervous. It’s amazing how shy he is when he doesn’t have the other boys around him, its one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.

         “You know for a guy who has sang in front of thousands you sure are shy,” I said brushing shoulders with him so only he would hear. This made him blush a bit, but also smile.

         “I’m not alone then I share the attention,” he said back keeping close enough that our arms brushed. “When I’m by myself I’m super shy,” he admitted.

         “Who said your alone just because the boys aren’t here doesn’t me you have no one to share the unwanted attention,” I smiled at him to see if he would get the point. By the confused look he gave me back I knew he hadn’t. “Unless you’re calling me a no body,” I teased.

         “No of cores not but why would you want to share the unwanted attention?” he seemed worried that he had offended me which was really sweet.

        “Because that’s what friends do,” I said plainly like it was a no brainer. Then realized maybe he doesn’t want to be my friend.“Or you know just a nice person,” I said as it became my turn to be shy and embarrassed.

          “For such a confident girl you sure are cute when you’re embarrassed,” he whispered, again making our arms brush. “Oh and I would like to think of you as a friend,” he added when I looked at him from the corner of my eye. Did he just call me cute? Oh my god Luke Hemmings just called me cute! I’m sure it was just in an innocent way like you would call a child.

         “Good I’d like to have another friend, you know you can never have to many,” I said playing it cool even if I was dying inside.

         “I’m glad you feel that way because I think the guys and you would get on well too so you can gain four new friends,” I couldn’t help but find him supper cute well on the inside I was jumping with joy.

         “And all of you can gain at least three, but we should probably start helping Ali,” I said realizing she had started to work well I leaned agents a counter facing Luke well we talked. Hehe Oops.

The Transfers (a 5sos story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon