Chapter 1

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         My teacher was making a big fuss over come transfer student that was coming to our advisory. I wasn't really paying attention I knew she was just telling us to make him feel welcome and what not. "He's all the way from Australia so it would be nice if you could show him around," woah did she just say he's from Australia? Okay I don't know what he looks like but I'm really hoping he's cute, because this school could use a cute Australian boy. I looked over at my friend Aliyah to see if she had the same thoughts. By the smile plastered on her face I could tell she did. "Mr. Brown will be here to introduce him after he finishes introducing the other three transfers to their class.

         “It would be great if it was the boys from 5sos" I whispered to Aliyah or as I like to call her Ali. She looked at me with a smirk nodding, we both ended up snickering. I froze when none other the Luke Hemmings from 5sos stood in the door to my class. Ali who had her back to the door started trying to get my attention till she finally just turned to see what I was looking at. Ali turned back to face me with her mouth wide open.

         “Oh my god," she whisper yelled. This seemed to half snap me out of my daze.

         “I so called it" I mumbles to no one specific. Luke was standing beside the Mr. brown chewing on his lip ring. He looked so nervous, I instantly felt bad for gaping at him. 

         “Luke what class do you have next so one of your class mates can show you around?" Miss. Jones asked as Mr. Brown left after introducing Luke. Luke looked down at his paper to see.

         “Um I have cooking" he said quietly but it was loud enough for me to hear. My hand flew up.

         “Ali and I have cooking we can show him where to go and introduce him to the teacher," I said then wondering if I sounded a little to eager.

         “Thank you Lily," Miss. Jones said with a smile. I'm guessing it's because our class isn't the biggest on volunteering. "Luke why don't you go have a seat tell the bell," she said before going back to what ever it is she does. Luke looked around awkwardly not knowing where to sit. I felt bad the three boys that are in our home room were completely ignoring him and the girls were just staring at him. I gave him a small smile and gave a nod for him to come over. Luke's face softened with relief.

         “Hi I'm Lily and this is Aliyah" I said as he sat down beside me. Ali who had been staring at him in awe snapped out of her daze and gave him a kind but shy smile.

         “You can call me Ali though," she said in a small voice. Out of group of three friends including Joy who is in a different home room, Ali was the shyest. 

         “Well I'm Luke but I guess the teachers already announced that," he said giving us a smile.

         “Well they do sure like to make coming to a new school as awkward as possible" I said hoping to make him feel a bit better. He did give a hint of a real smile this time as he nodded.

         “Yea and they split me and my friend up in home rooms," he added. This made me smile.

         “So the rest of the boys are here to they didn't send you away?" I said half teasing him. Luke gave me a confused and shocked look. "You know 5sos there's four of you," I added waiting for him to clue in.

         “Wait you guys know who we are?" He asked actually looking a little worried. I gave him a small nod not getting why he's worried. "Are we well known here? Because we were told we weren't," now I was starting to get why he was worried.

         “You guys want to finish school with out lots of drama from fans?" I asked but more so thought out loud. "no you guys aren't well known here as far as I know Ali myself and our friend have heard about you." I said hoping to reassure him. I guess it worked because he relaxed into the chair. I almost laughed when the bell rang right after he had relaxed. "Well lets go you have a locker yet?" I asked as I got up. Luke groaned standing up. I must say his groan was cute.

         “No I didn't get a chance to get a locker yet if there are even any still free," he said grabbing his beg from the floor. He still seemed so nervous about being at a new school I just wanted to hug him and tell him it would be okay, but that would be weird.

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