Chapter 6

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Lilly’s POV

         I guess I had fallen asleep during the movie because I woke to someone poking my cheek. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around to find three pairs of eyes blinking down at me. “How long have I been sleeping?” I mumbled. All three of the boys who were looking as me started giggling.

         “About three hours, Ali and Joy went home about and hour ago,” Luke answered. I now realized why he wasn’t hovering over me like the other boys; I had fallen asleep on his shoulder. I turned a little red at this realization as I sat up.

          “Your phone keeps ringing and interrupting our movie,” Michael pouted.

         “Oh shit sorry,” I said getting up pulling my phone out of my back pocket and seeing who has been calling. I had three missed calls from my mom and just as I was about to call her back my phone rang with a forth call from her. “I’m so sorry,” I answered.

         “Oh thank god where have you been I’ve called three times,” my mom said sounding stressed relieved and mad all at once.

         “I’m sorry we were watching a movie and I fell asleep,” I said a little embarrassed that the boy’s could hear my side of the conversation.

         “I’m just glad your okay and that I got a hold of you I even called Joy and Ali but they said you were still with they boy’s. Why is it you are there still when they have gone home?” she asked still upset.

         “Because they went home I’m sorry I didn’t call but like I said I fell asleep,” I said trying to keep my voice down. My mom let out a huff of air and I could tell she was deciding weather or not to have this fight.

         “That’s fine just don’t let it happen again,” she finally said. Well that was easier then I thought. “Is one of their parents around I would like to speak with them,” Oh dear this was going to be really awkward.

         “Yea hang on,” I said with a sigh as I walked into the kitchen where I had seem Liz go. “Um Liz my mom wants to talk to you,” I said really awkwardly. Liz turned from making us a snake to look at me.

         “Did she not know it was a boy’s house you were going to?” Liz asked as she put her hand out for the phone, which I gave to her. I had told my mom it was a boy’s house and she had been fine with it that’s why I thought this was so strange. I went back to where the boys who paused their movie as I came in.

         “So who kept calling and interrupting our movie?” Ashton asked as they all turned to look at me.

         “My mom I said a little nervously,” they all shared a look before Calum smirked and looked back at me.

         “Ooohhh is someone in trouble?” Cal said teasingly. I playfully glared at him sticking out my tongue.

         “I don’t know she’s talking to Luke’s mom,” I said more seriously.

         “Was talking to,” Liz said as she walked into the room handing me my phone. “And no you’re not in trouble, but you will be staying here for the weekend,” I think we all must have looked at her a little confused. “Well Ali and Joy already have plans with their family and your mom just got called for business out of town so I told her you can stay here. I was in shock. My mom is letting me stay at not only a boy’s house for two days, but a boy she has never met.

         “Oh okay,” was all I said. My mom’s boss liked making her fly places for weekends sometimes even a hole week. Usually she would have more notice and be able to find someone to watch me or I would stay with Ali or Joy.

         “Yay sleep over night!” all the boy’s cheered making Liz and I both laugh. I was learning very fast that Liz was a very lade back mom, which was a nice change from my mom. I think she works so often she just forgot I was her daughter not her assistance. “Earth to Lilly,” Luke said waving his hand in front of my face.

         “Hmm oh sorry zone out,” I said coming back to present time. All the boy’s were looking at me expectantly. “Um what was the question?” I finally asked realizing they were waiting for an answer.

                “Pick a movie be our tie breaker,” Michael said pushing two movies towards me. “Which movie first?” he added. In one hand he held Lion king two and the other he had the devil inside.

         “I hate scary movies I said a little nervous seeing as he said first meaning we would end up watching both. Michael and Calum gave me puppy eyes. I groaned in defeat. “Fine we’ll watch the scary one first then Lion king so I don’t have nightmares,” I said bringing my knees up to my chest. All the boys seemed happy with this and popped in the movie turning off the lights. I was now seated between Luke and Ashton on one couch well Cal and Mike were more sprawled out on the other. Ashton put his arm around me pulling me closer. I didn’t mind, the movie hadn’t started and I was already nervous. His arms felt warm and safe and were nicely muscled from drumming. I think Luke had the same Opinion on horror movies as me because he was curled up with a blanket covered in little penguins. I had to say I found this quiet cute. I think most of the movie I spent with my face hidden into Ashton’s neck letting out a few screams through out the movie. “Is it over?” I asked as the credits rolled.

         “Yea love you can open your eyes now,” Ashton chuckled loosening his arm that was around me. I looked around only to have to blink a whole bunch when the lights were flicked on. “Lion king!” Ashton said happily from beside me. I was much happier to watch Lion king seeing as its one of my favorite Disney movies. When the first song started I couldn’t help but join in, I was glad when I realized so had the rest of the boy’s. By the end of the movie I had forgotten all about the horror movie and we had all sang along to almost all the songs.

         “Okay you five I’m going to bed so do you want to all sleep down here you is Lilly staying in the guest room because she isn’t staying in one of your,” we all looked at each other before Luke turned to his mom.

         “Can we bring the mattresses down here?” he asked looking at her with hopeful eyes.

         “Sure but you will be the ones putting them away,” she said before heading up to her room. The boy’s ran up stairs going to two different rooms in pairs and came back with two mattresses. Laying them on the ground.

          “Can I sleep in the middle? You guys mad me watch a scary movie,” I asked all the boy’s nodded before we all curled up getting comfy. I had Luke on one side of me with Cal beside him; Ashton was on my other side with Mike beside him. I have to say it was quiet comfy and I felt very safe.

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