Chapter 11

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Ashton’s POV

After Lily had agreed to go out with me we had said our goodbyes I just lay on my bed with a smile. I kind of wish I had waited tell we were face to face so I could kiss her now, but it had just felt right so I went for it. Though I don’t know why Ali and Joy wouldn’t like me with her. I guess I would just have to prove what ever doubts they had wrong. Oh well I need sleep its like ten thirty and there's school tomorrow. I stripped down to boxers flipping the lights off and curling into bed. Michael can find the way to his bed in the dark. Just as I started to drift off I could hear Liz telling the rest of the boys to get to bed. A few seconds later the lights were flipped on. “Damn it Michael I’m trying to sleep,” I groaned hiding my face into a pillow.

“Sorry dude didn’t know you were in here thought you were still talking to the one you call babe,” he said teasingly. Little did he know it still made me smile because the one I call babe as he says it is now my girlfriend.

“Nope we said goodnight,” I said a little more chipper. I think Michael caught this because he laughed as the lights went off again.

“So who was she?” Michael asked as his bed creaked telling me where he was in the room. “Who’s the mystery girl that made mister Irwin so happy?” he said keeping the teasing tone.

“She’s not exactly a mystery girl you guys have all met her,” I said glad it was dark so he couldn’t see how big I was smiling or how red I was.

“Even better. So who is she?” he pressed for more info. I couldn’t help but giggle, in a manly way of cores.

“It was Lily,” I said happily. I heard Michael shift in his bed and I’m guessing if I could him he would be looking at me in shock. “Her and I are going out now,” I added even though he hadn’t asked.

“Good for you man,” Michael said with a hint of hesitence. Why did everyone seem so unsure about Lily and I except us. I may not be able to ask Ali and Joy but I sure as hell could ask Michael.

“Why don’t you sound happy about it you were thrilled I had found a girl a second ago but now that you know it’s Lily you don’t like it. How would you feel if I seemed unhappy you were with Joy,” I said no longer smiling. Michael let out a sigh.

“Look man I am happy for you its just Luke has had a thing for her since day one” he never told me that. “By your silence I’m guessing you didn’t know,” he added. I was too shocked to say anything. I had just asked out a girl I really liked out only to find out one of my best friends also had a thing for her.

“Why wouldn’t he have told me?” I said finally as I flopped back onto me bed so I was staring at the ceiling.

“Would it have stopped you from going after her?” Michael asked. It took me a second to think about if I would have or not, I mean I do really like her.

“Depends on when I found out,” if he had told me right away before I got to know her yea, but if he had just told me yesterday then I can’t say I would have. “I’m not going to leave her though just because he has a crush on her,” I said after I hadn’t gotten an answer.

“Well then I would let Luke know and soon so he finds out from you,” he finally said. I knew he was right and I can’t help but feel a little bad for Luke, but he hadn’t told me or made it obvious so you can’t really blame me.

“Hey did Ali and Joy know he had a thing for her?” I would be a little hurt if he told them and not me but I guess he would be more hurt when he finds out Lily and I are together.

“He never told them but they could have guessed. Why?” well turns out I don’t have to be hurt for being left out. Now I was just hurt because they had no apparent reason not to want me with Lily.

“Its just Lily told them about our kiss and they got all upset, thats why she called in the first place,” I explained hoping he could find sense of it.

“Maybe they guessed Luke likes her and like him for her more,” he said and I could almost hear him shrug. Well thats a reassuring thought my girlfriends friends like me but not for her. Instead they want her with my friend who just happens to like her. I just hope they don’t try to break us up or get mad at Lily. I don’t want Lily to be hurt.


I fell asleep fast and I slept hard after talking with Michael. Now that it was morning I was swimming in thoughts of how to tell Luke Lily and I were going out. I needed a way that said I was sorry I didn’t know you liked her tell after and now that I asked her I wasn’t going to give her up. Okay lets try this again. ‘Luke look last night Michael told me you Liked Lily and I just wanted to give you the heads up that we started dating. Nope still sounds a little cocky, come on Ashton you need to figure this out before school. Okay one more try then I have to start getting ready for school. Luke I found out that you liked Lily but before I had asked her out and I just wanted to tell you she agreed… Wow that was even worse I might as well tell him to back the fuck off. I don’t know what to do. I sighed as I got out of bed and started getting dressed seeing as we had to leave for school soon. Why hadn’t I told the boys I liked Lily then this would have been easier. I guess I could pretend I don’t know Luke likes her but that feels wrong. Sure I didn’t know when I kissed her or asked her to be my girlfriend, but now that I did I feel I kind of owe it to him at least to get a heads up. “Ashton stop daydreaming and get you butt moving,” Liz called from downstairs.

“Sorry Liz I’m coming,” I called as I pulled on a shirt and went down stairs to the kitchen. Everyone else was already down here eating breakfast.

“You took took longer than Luke did,” Liz teased when I walked in. Luke looked like he was going to protest, but Liz didn’t give him a chance. “You feeling okay sweetie you look a little pail?” Liz said putting her hand on my cheek. I guess my nerves were showing, and Liz having pretty much adopted all of us as sons could tell. We all still had our own families and all but Liz was the only one to come with us so was playing mother for all of us now.

“Yea I’m fine just have a test today and am nervous is all,” well the cause was a lie, but it is nerves that are making me look and feel a little ill. Maybe I could ask Lily to keep us on a down low? Might be better for her too so fan don’t find out and start harassing her. Not to mention Aliyah and Joy don’t want her with me rather then Luke. Though Michael knows so its only a matter of time before Joys knows then she’ll tell Aliyah. Michael will also probably end up telling Cal and Cal will tell Luke. I guess no matter what at least our group of friends will find out sooner or later weather I like it or not. Now the only question is if I should just let him find out or tell him myself. I could ask Lily what she wants to do when we get to school. Maybe thats best. I just hope she doesn’t like Luke back and leave me when she finds out its mutual. I know she said she didn’t but I still have that worry.

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