Chapter 9

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Joy’s POV

I had to stay into lunch to finish a math test. what stupid person put a math test on a monday is beyond me, but hey I had one. So anyways I was heading to my locker clinging to the Irish flag I liked to carry around when I was tired, sad, mad, frustrated, excited, well pretty much any mood. My mood didn’t improve when I saw Danielle and a few of her friends standing in front of my locker. Great just great why did they have to be right in front of my locker? “Excuse me,” I said hoping they would just move and not make any snarky comments.

Well I can at least say they didn’t make any comments. Nope they just ignored me completely. I didn’t even get a glance or an eye roll. Kay this was getting old I was already in a bad mood due to the test so they didn’t want to listen to me being nice fine i would be rude. “Move,” I demanded and am happy to say that this time they did look at me. I just wish they didn’t have a glint of mischief in their eyes.

“Awe look she likes to pretend to be brave,” Danielle said to her friends

making them snicker. “Not very convincing when you carry around a security blanket like a three year old,” her words only made me hold onto my flag twice. My brother had given me the flag before he moved out to go to college.

“Fuck off,” was all I said to her as I tried to make my way to my locker through them. One bumped me and I had to put an arm out to stay balanced. I guess they had planned this more than I thought because another of the girls stole the flag out of my hand. I whipped around trying to snag it back only to find Ryan had joined the girls and was the one that took my flag. I shoot daggers at him with my eyes though they seem to bounce of at they all start laughing. I stop on his foot hoping he’ll drop it and tend to his foot. He starts laughing. What the hell?

“Awe was that supposed to hurt?” he mocked. times like this I hate being small. I could feel tears burn the back of my eyes but I refused to let these ass holes know.

“Just give me my fucking flag,” I said my voice wavy with frustration. I hated running into these guys alone; when we are in a group they will just keep walking giving us funny looks but when we’re alone they like to step it up a notch.

“Or what you’ll stomp on my other foot?” he taunted. I knew he was right though there wasn’t much I could do.

“Hey Ryan I bet you're strong enough to rip it,” Danielle said holding his biceps like the little slut she is. At her words I couldn’t hold the tears anymore and they fell down my cheeks like water falls.

Michael’s POV

I left the group to go find Joy after she had texted me that she was done her test. I went to her class first hoping I could walk to her locker with her. I felt stupid once I got there and she was already gone. Of course she was she would have texted well she left the class. I started to head to her locker hoping she was still there and hadn’t left to find the others already then I really would look dumb. when I could see her locker, but I didn’t like what I saw. Joy was in tears well three girls and some guy were standing in front of her laughing. Why the fuck would they be laughing well she is on her knees in tears. Thats when I notice the flag Joy had been carrying the hole day in his hands and he looked like he was trying to rip it.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked running the rest of the way to Joy. The four just laughed at me well Joy was to distort to really notice I was there.

“Screw off Aussie,” the guy Ryan I believe his name is said glaring at me. I glared back as my hands balled into tight fists. He apparently found this funny. “Awe you going to try and defend your little girlfri…” he didn’t get to finish. I lashed out and heard a satisfying crack as my fist hit his jaw. The three girls stopped laughing and looked shocked. Ryan stumbled back a little and I took this chance to grab the flag from him. “What the hell man it was a joke!” he yelled holding his jaw.

“Making a girl cry is not a joke,” I growled ready to hit him again. I don’t know if it was that he could see I wanted to hit him again or what but him and the girl’s walked away with a bit of haste in their step. I turned to Joy falling to the ground beside her holding out her flag. “Joy love its okay he didn’t rip it I said gently. Joy peeked out and stnached the flag from me holding it to her chest. I tentatively reached for her and when she didn’t pull away I picked her up and sat her in my lap rubbing her back. Soon her sobs turned to sniffles and tears turned to stains and she finally looked up at me. opening her mouth to say something, but never got the chance.

“Mr. Clifford I’d like to see you in my office,” Our principal said. Fuck how did he know I punched a guy. then it hit me he had seen but let me calm Joy down. I had a new liking for out principal. Joy got up and I followed then was led to the office. Joy followed behind and when we got to the office waited just outside the door. “Michael I know you were defending her and that’s good so I’m going to let you off with a warning but find a way to help her without getting physical,” I sighed that he wouldn’t be calling Liz and I nodded. “Now get out of here and I don’t want to see you in here again,” at that I got up and walked out. that went better than I thought it would. When I closed the door behind me and turned around I was met by a now smiling Joy.

“Mikey,” she exclaimed before running to me and jumping. I was a little shocked but caught her as she wrapped her legs around my waist. How ever I was even more shocked when she crashed out lips together and I couldn’t help but tighten my grip around her waist as her arms around my neck tightened and she ran her fingers through my hair messing it up.

When our kiss broke i didn't bother setting her down. I now knew my feelings were mutual and I could aske her what I have wanted to for a while now. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I said still looking her in the eyes. She smiled and gave a small nod before kissing me again.

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