Chapter 21

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Ashton’s POV

It was already late when we got to the house I had brought Lily up to Michael’s and mine room seeing as Luke and Cal were already sleeping. I gave Michael a brief story of what happened and left Lily with him. As I was leaving to go talk to Liz I saw her shuffle over to Michael’s bed where he was waiting with open arms. I knew she was still really shaken and was glad she wouldn’t have to sit alone well I talked to Liz and explained what happened. “Ashton you better not be expecting to keep her in your room,” Liz said as I entered the kitchen.

“I was actually hoping to for tonight Liz… it won’t happen any other time I just don’t know if she would be okay in a room by herself tonight,” I quickly went into explaining.

“Ashton I’m fine letting her stay the night you know that but you also know my rool on girls being in your rooms at night,” I sighed knowing her rool.

“Liz please she’s really shaken someone broke in well I was over and it really spooked her, Michael will still be in the room it’s not like I’m asking that you let us have the room to ourselves,” Liz seemed to be thinking about it and having troubles with what she was okay with. “Liz nothing will happen… I don’t know if this will help convince you or make it worse, but even when we kiss I can’t put my hand on her waist under her shirt without her getting nervous and I respect that and her,” I hope me saying that doesn’t backfire.

“Fine but if I hear anything suspicious she’s in the guest room and you have to actually be wearing pants not boxers and she has to have a shirt and shorts or sweats or something and this is just tonight because of the break in,” I sighed in relief and hugged her.

“Thank you Liz and I swear all your rools will be followed,” Liz looked at me a little nervously before I headed back up stairs. “So Liz is letting you stay in here if you want Lil or you can have the guest room if you would feel more comfortable,” I said as came in the room.

“Wait Liz is actually letting her stay in here? She knows you’re dating right?” Michael looked at me in shock.

“Yes, but she laid ground rools and the fact that we share a room helps so thanks. Um Lily would you rather sweats or boxers I know you didn’t bring any pajamas,” Michael was still looking at me in shock.

“boxers preferably and um do you have a plaid I can borrow or something?” she asked as she started getting up from cuddling Michael as I found what she asked for. After giving her the clothes she went to the bathroom to change well I quickly changed into sweats and flopped on the bed.

“You’re actually wearing sweats? Does that mean I have to wear sweats?” Michael asked laying on his side resting his head on his elbow.

“It was one of Liz’ conditions and I think you should be fine Liz knows Lily is with me I don’t think she really expects there to me funny business between you two,” I said with a little chuckle as Lily came back into. I like seeing her in my cloths. Though I couldn’t help notice her pink cheeks and the way she shuffled over to me shyly. I got up rolling the blankets back for her before going over to turn off the lights. I left the door open figuring Liz would be grateful before crawling into bed beside Lily who instantly curlled into me. I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her cheek before relaxing into the bed.

I could feel Lily fidgeting with her hands for a good twenty minutes and could already hear Michael snoring lightly. “Lil are you comfortable sleeping here? Like with me?” I didn’t want to force her to do anything she didn’t want.

“Yea no sorry that's not what’s keeping me up,” she said rolling to face me. “I can’t stop thinking about what happened and how my mom didn’t seem to care,” even in the dim light I could see she was close to tears.

“Come with me babe I don’t want to wake Michael,” I said getting up and taking her hand leading her down stairs to the living room. I pulled her down onto my lap as I sat on the couch. “Babe I know your moms not around much, but she loves you you know,” I hated how her mom was never around but I didn’t want her to hate her mom.

“Sometimes I’m not so sure. When I called her, her first question wasn’t are you okay it was ‘what was taken?’ she didn’t care about me just her stupid stuff,” Lily mumbled looking rather abandoned.

“Maybe the fact that you were on the phone told her you were okay babe you can’t know for sure,” I said as I kissed her temple brushing her hair behind her ear repetitively.

“She wouldn’t even be the first adult to stop caring about me,” Lily said as she distracted herself by tracing little pattern on my chest.

“Lily have you ever tried talking to your dad? I know you say a birthday and christmas card don’t cut it as a father which I understand but maybe that could change,” her tracing stopped and she continued not to look me in the eye. “I’m sorry if I’m overstepping but I know if my dad would have sent me cards or anything I would have wanted to reach out,” I said hoping she wasn’t upset.

“I don’t know Ash I don’t know if I’m ready for that plus I wouldn’t know how, my mom gives me the cards but she takes the envelopes so I don’t even know where he lives he might not even live in Canada anymore,” I wasn’t going to push her more.

“Well if you are ever ready I can try and help if you want,” she felt both her parents had abandond her and I guess they kind of did so, I was going to make damn sure she knows I’m here to stay.

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