Chapter 17

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Lily’s POV

I’m sitting in front of our lockers with Joy waiting for Ali to her here so I can tell them both at the same time. Though if the boys get here first Joys finding out by seeing me kiss Ashton and Ali will just be told by her. In a way I’m hoping that happens. I don’t know how to tell the girls and am nervous and I know being in Ashtons arms always makes me feel better. I’m glad Joy was still all honeymoon phase with Michael because now I could just nod and smile as she rambled on about him. In a way though it made me jealous, I’ve been with Ashton for a week and have yet to express my honeymoon phase. I can only really blame myself though. I kept glancing the way Ali will come from than to the way the boy’s will come from, still unsure as to who I want to get here first. As I glanced to where the boys will come from again my face lit up as I saw ashton from down the hall. I got up to go to him only to freeze. “Aliyah!” Joy squealed meaning Ali had just gotten here as well. I didn’t know what to do and ended up standing there like an idiot. The boys reached me before Joy and Ali finished hugging and my body acted without me; I smiled at the boys going to give my hugs and once I got to Ashton I put my lips to his.I had been right his arms and lip took a lot of my nervous and cleared my head. Thats why when our kiss broke I saw his busted lips and my eyes widened. “Oh my god your lip!” I said taking his face in my hand so I could inspect it.

“You can worry about that later babe I’m  guessing you hadn't told the girls yet,” at his words I turned and saw Joy and Aliyah staring at me with wide eyes and open mouths. I was once again frozen and hating myself for doing so a second time. Lucky for me Michael was here to help.

“Now we can go on double dates,” he said wrapping his arms around Joy’s waist. It did snap the girls out of their daze but Joy shot me a look that said ‘we need to talk’ before turning to Michael and giving him a kiss. I couldn’t help but notice that Luke was hanging back a lot and was as quiet as he was on the first day. Not to mention he barely hugged me, normally his hugs were some of the best and he would cling to my shirt but today its like he only hugged me because he had to.

“You going to tell me what happened to your lip now?” I asked Ash quietly not wanting the attention to be back on us. Ashton bit his lip nervously only to flinch because of the bruise he had failed to cover up.

“It doesn’t matter babe besides you have those two to worry about now don’t worry about me, I’m a big boy I’ll be fine,” he said kissing the top of my head well his hand rubbed my arm trying to relax me.

“I can tell it’s hurting you,” I said wanting to just focuse on him.

“I’ll tell you what happened after you’ve actually talked to Joy and Ali okay babe,” he said with a light smile. I sighed but nodded knowing he was right.


I had been quiet the whole day to worried about what would happen when Joy and Aliyah came over after school. I knew they wouldn’t hurt me which is what I’m thinking happened to Ashton. Though I know they wanted me to be with Luke so I’m worried they will be disappointed or mad. The walk to my house was quiet and I know the girls were thinking as much as I am. I opened my door and we all walked up to me room taking our normal seats, however today we were quiet. “When the fuck did that happen?” Joy said finally breaking the silence.

“The night I told you two about our kiss,” I answered. Okay I could do this is they just ask the questions and I answer, I’m good at answering questions.

“Have you two done anything?” Joy pressed. Aliyah was still quiet and looked deep in thought.

“Well he’s been coming over all we and we’ve been hanging out and m-making out,” I stuttered a bit. At those words Joy raised a brow as if to say ‘anything else’ her unspoken words made me blush. “He knows I’m not ready,” those words would let her know the kissing may have gotten heated but didn’t lead to anything.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Aliyah finally broke her silence. I hated her question, but even more I hated that she sounded hurt. I never want to be the one that causes my friends pain.

“I’m sorry I didn’t but I was scared after the way you two reacted to the fact that we kissed and that it wasn’t Luke… I just didn’t want to disappoint you guys,” I said looking down.

“How could we be disappointed? you found a guy that cares about you respects you is sweet and not to mention hot,” Aliyah said looking at me funny. This made me feel a little better and I got a small smile.

“Exactly, I mean I still think you and Luke would be better together but Ash is good too,” my smile fell at Joy’s added words and even more when I saw Aliyah nodding in agreement.

“And I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to tell me that I should be with someone else instead,” I said quietly. I knew they heard me though because the room got really quiet. I don’t think the three of us have been this quiet well in the same room unless we were sleeping. We just sat there for a long time none of us saying a word, until Joys phone went off.

“Guys my dad is here I have to go Ali you still want a ride?” Ali nodded and got up I didn’t move to see them out like I normally would. They got the hint and just showed themselves out. Once I heard the front door close I rolled onto my side and cried. I didn’t know why they couldn’t just be happy for me. I think Aliyah and Calum would be perfect together but if her and Luke got together I would be happy for her. Not tell her she should be with Calum instead. What happened  to ‘if he makes you happy then I’m happy for you’? I liked that bestfriend rule. Boys have a bro code well girls have three main rules 1; You don’t date a friends X 2; its always the boys fault and  3; If he makes you happy I’m happy for you, sure there are a bunch of small ones but those are the big ones that involve boy’s. I didn’t see why they couldn’t see that I was happy and maybe they were wrong and Ashton was right for me.

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