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Last time: there was a flashback from the night Remus was bitten. James, Sirius and Peter decide they want to continue being friends with Remus. They convince Remus that they still love him, and they give him a new nickname; Moony.









Remus stood in front of the mirror. He hated the scars that ran across his face, but he couldn't stop looking. What if someone realized it wasn't from a hippogriff? He had sneaked into the dorm under the invisibility cloak the day before, but he couldn't stay under it forever.

Just when he thought he was ready to leave, a sudden wave of doubt stopped him.

His uniform had been shredded to pieces, luckily Sirius still had his uniform from the year before. The Blacks were rich enough to buy new uniforms each year. It was still a little big on him though, yet also better maintained than his last one.

"Moony come out already! If you don't eat breakfast, you're gonna be hungry as a wolf." James' statement was followed by laughter from Sirius and Peter, yet also a little grin from Remus.

They had asked him if he was okay with the jokes. And he was. As long as they didn't say them too loudly in public. None of the jokes would be any fun if other people heard them and guessed what he was.


The sight calmed him. James was practically tearing his bed apart to find his potions book. He had missed a few buttons on his shirt. Peter had emptied his whole bag on his bed. A jumble of books, loose parchment and candy wrap flew around. Sirius was laying on his bed, getting a few extra minutes of sleep. Everything was normal. It was perfect.

Sirius rose from his bed once he spotted Remus, then gave him a big tight hug. Those meant a lot to Remus too. He had been afraid they were gonna act differently around him even though they claimed they were okay with the whole werewolf thing. But these hugs showed otherwise.

"FOUND IT!" James jumped up from under the bed with a big smile. He stuffed the book into his bag, meanwhile, Peter had repacked his bag and thrown out all the candy wrap.

"Ready?" Sirius still had an arm around Remus.

He wasn't. Not really. But didn't want to be more trouble than necessary. "Yeah."

Sirius only removed his arm from around Remus when they walked down the spiral staircase, but quickly copied his previous position once able to. Remus kept his hands wrapped tightly around the strap for his bag.

Everyone they passed took a good glance at Remus' face. He tried to ignore it. It was from a hippogriff as far as they were concerned. But once they entered the Great Hall and more than just a few pair of eyes glanced at him, he kept his head down.

Even when sitting down, he couldn't bring himself to look up. It felt as if all eyes were on him. He didn't look up until an owl landed in front of him. He hadn't seen it before. It had brought a letter from his dad and a little package. It didn't fly away once he had taken them. Remus fed it a sausage before opening the letter.

Dear Remus.

I'm ecstatic your friends are accepting of your condition! If you want to invite them over during the Christmas holidays, your mom and I would be happy to meet them.

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