Life at the Potters

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I think y'all know JK owes the characters

Last time: the four boys take the Hogwarts express to platform 9 ¾ like the rest of the school. They all have different experiences during the holidays, some more pleasant than others. Sirius goes to visit James. Remus and Peter will join later.








Life at the Potters

James waited impatiently for Sirius to show up. They had agreed that he would come the day after they talked, yet it was already almost eleven. When would he show up? It was really hot outside and James would probably be dying of heat if it wasn't because his parents were sorcerers and able to cool the house down with magic.

It took a while before someone finally came out of the fireplace. Sirius was completely covered in ashes and looked extremely out of place. Their home didn't completely look like a wizard house. Something like Hogwarts had lots of little things that gave it away. Their house had it too, just less. But Sirius was dressed in long black wizard robes that so didn't fit with the hot weather outside.

However, Sirius appeared oblivious to this as he went in for a hug. Though when they broke apart and had had time to look around, it seemed as if Sirius noticed how little he fit in with wizards' robes. James himself was simply wearing blue shorts and a bright yellow shirt.

"Hi. Welcome to my house" James gestured with both his arms. He didn't know how Sirius lived, yet guessed it was very different, but hoped Sirius liked his house anyways.

"Hi. It's very nice here" he commented. "Nothing like Grimmauld. I like it" this house really is very different from what he is used to, but different in a good way. Sirius had never visited anyone but his family, and they all liked to keep the same dark style.

"We should get your trunk in my room" James stated, happy that Sirius was finally here. "I'm just gonna tell my parents you are here first" he led Sirius outside where his parents were laying in the shadow. His mom was wearing her favourite flowered dress while his dad was only wearing shorts. Sirius seemed to be startled by the view.

"Hi mom and dad, Sirius is here" he gestured towards Sirius who looked like he wanted to crawl into a little hole. It also seemed as if he had started sweating.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Potter" Sirius greeted politely.

"Just call me Euphemia, and him Fleamont" his mom quickly said and Fleamont smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Sirius. Aren't you sweating? Don't you have some summer clothes?" she asked and smiled warmly. James was happy they didn't judge him for his last name and instead made him feel welcome.

"No, ma'am... I mean Euphemia" his fists were nervously opening and closing over and over again.

"I'm sure you can borrow some from James" she hinted.

"Of course" he exclaimed. "Come Sirius. Then we can also carry your trunk to my room" James would have said he dragged Sirius away from there, but it might have been the other way around.

"There is some lemonade in the refrigerator" his dad called just before they entered the house again. They were immediately cooled down.

Sirius quickly went for his trunk and followed James upstairs into his bedroom. It was weird how different their houses were. Where everything in Grimmauld place was dark, everything here seemed light. Also, he was used to narrow hallways instead of wide ones. James' room was also a lot bigger than his own one and actually contained two four-poster beds.

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