The truth

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DISCLAIMER I don't own the wizarding world of Harry Potter

Last time: James suspects Remus has a blood curse because he's ill the same times as his mom. He shared this information with Sirius and Peter, and together they try to figure out which one. Because Remus always disappears during full moons, they realize that Remus' mom is a werewolf.








The truth

"But she's a muggle. Remus told me himself. Muggles can't be werewolves," Peter said. He couldn't quite wrap his head around what James and Sirius were getting at. It made sense, yet it was hard to believe.

"Maybe it was a cover," James said. "Do any of you know her name? Have you ever actually seen her?" Before saying the next thing, he turned to Sirius. "Can you see on someone if they're a werewolf?"

But the other boy just shrugged. "My parents always just used to say they were monsters, so I imagined... monsters I guess." He frowned. "If they look different, is that why we haven't seen her?"

Peter spoke before James had a chance to answer. "Even so, that doesn't explain why Remus is ill... could he be a werewolf too?"

"Nah, werewolves aren't allowed at Hogwarts," Sirius said. "Maybe if she got bitten, and then had him, some of the wolf-genes was transferred, but not enough to make him one. The same way blood curses work."

"We'll have to look into that." James closed to book and was ready to begin searching again.

"More research?" Peter groaned. "It's too stressful both doing that, doing homework and keeping all of it a secret from Remus. He's getting suspicious. And I hate lying to him."

"We're doing this for him--"

"But does he need it?" Peter cut Sirius off. "I know how you feel, and I want to help him too, but what can we do? We figured it out. We know his mom is a werewolf. And either he's sick because he's worried or some of the wolf-genes were transferred. Either way, more research won't help."


"He's right, Sirius," James said calmly. He placed his hand on his shoulder. "We'll still do some, but we haven't been hanging out with him too much. There's no haste. I'll look into the book about werewolves Professor Eckbird had us buy for this year. Maybe it says something useful."

Sirius looked between them, then finally sighed out of defeat. "Okay then."

"And we'll keep letting him know we're here for him," Peter added.


Remus lay awake in bed. He had been awake for about an hour, and there were only five minutes till he needed to get ready. He desperately hoped Peter was right, and they would all hang out together again soon.

Yet he couldn't help but wonder why two of them always seemed to be busy. And why it was always in the same pattern. First, he and Sirius would hang out. Usually, they would work on spells or just talk. Then James would help him with Potions, and lastly, he helped Peter with spells he had already practised with either James or Sirius.

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