No fear is silly

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Last time: Sirius convinces Remus that he shouldn't feel like he doesn't belong with the rest of them because he does. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff play the last match of the year. Slytherin wins the Quidditch cup while Gryffindor gets second place. The boys prepare for a last prank of the year.








The four boys were walking towards the lake, two of them had plans on jumping into the water, one of them was trying to come up with a good reason to not jump in, the last one only joined them because they are his friends.

As soon as they were all by the lake, James and Peter began to undress while Remus and Sirius did not. James was still curious to why Sirius wouldn't want to jump into the water, he knew why Remus didn't want to. He was afraid of water. But Sirius had just stated that he didn't want to.

"Aren't you coming in?" Peter asked Sirius as he knew Remus was afraid of water and therefore wouldn't want to join in. He was happy though because Remus no longer distanced himself from the others.

"Nah" Sirius shrugged. "Someone got to stay up here with Remus."

"You don't have to" Remus quickly exclaimed. James rolled his eyes when no one was looking, Remus really is too nice to get things from others. James got to change that.

"It almost sounds like you don't want me here" he teased.

Remus playfully hit his arm. "You know that's not what I meant" he mumbled.

"Come on Peter," James said when they were both only wearing their boxers. "If they don't wanna join we just have to leave the chickens up here" the two half-naked boys walked back towards the water. The offended look on Sirius' face was a triumph to him. James hoped that Sirius would prove him wrong and join in the water, but he just sat down against a tree next to Remus.

Suddenly ice-cold water hit his back. James quickly turned around to face Peter with a mischievous grin. It didn't take long before James was in the water as well and throwing some water at Peter. They battled for a while. The cold water didn't feel so cold when the hot sun warmed their skin.

It was weird to feel so alive. It had been hard on all of them taking their first exams. James had just had the thought that it was all gonna be alright, he was good at all the subjects. Peter had tried hard, but he didn't feel like it had been going that well. Sirius had seemed even more stressed out than Remus -which really said something- even though he was the best of them all. Remus had seen surprisingly chill despite his usual fuss about it, but James had the feeling that he was only hiding it seeing as he seemed nervous just about all the time.

Sirius and Remus were practically sleeping on their spot under the tree, which gave James an idea. "Hey, Peter" he whisper-yelled. Peter walked towards him and seemed to sense the idea James was getting. His expression surely gave him away. "What do you say we bring the lake to them, now that they don't wanna go to the lake?" a smirk crept onto his face.

Peter quickly gazed at the two boys under the tree, and he knew there was no way he could convince James not to do it. Besides, it could be fun. "How do we do that?" he decided to ask after a short pause.

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