The very beginning

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Last time: Remus moved again, to a crappy house too. His parents try to make the best out of it, but Remus hates it anyways. He visits Peter, they play chess. Remus, Peter, Sirius and James become friends.

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Remus and James walked down from the dorm to the common room, Peter and Sirius were waiting for them in front of the portrait hole. All the Gryffindors were noisy, they loudly talked about their holiday, Remus couldn't wait to get out.

"Finally," Sirius said and rolled his eyes. "What took you so long?"

"Excuse me" James bent his right wrist and placed it on his chest. "But someone here actually cares about how their hair looks."

Peter and Remus laughed, Sirius rolled his eyes. "Come on" he exclaimed. "I can't wait any longer" he took both Peter's and Remus' hands and dragged them out of the portrait hole, all of them laughed.

James followed quickly behind, also laughing. "What about me?"

Sirius had let go of the other guys again, he turned around. "Sorry can't hear you, I'm already down snow fighting" he shrugged his shoulders and grinned.

"Oh don't worry" Peter put a comforting hand on James' shoulder. "I'm sure the dead rats still want to be with you" he offered laughing.

James crossed his arms, but it was hard to miss the little smile on his lips. "Last person down there is a flubberworm" he yelled and began running down all the stairs.

Sirius quickly catches up on him, though it was Remus who came first of all of them, to their surprise. To no one's surprise, Peter was the last one. All the boys were sweating from running and from having all that warm clothes on. They quickly decided to go outside.

"Dang you are fast Lu-Remus," James said still panting.

Snow was falling, and the cold air hit their sweaty faces, the snow was untouched. It all looked like a beautiful painting someone had spent hours upon hours on painting, it would soon be ruined by two eleven-year-old boys and two twelve-year-old boys.

"So," Sirius said breaking the silence. "What is a 'snow ball fight' exactly?" he asked unashamed, earning three surprised looks from the fellow boys.

"You don't know what a snow ball fight is?" Peter asked.

"How can you not know?" James asked right after. Remus didn't say anything, yes, he knew what it was, but he hadn't tried it before and felt a bit bad for Sirius. Sirius, it was weird to say that instead of Black.

Sirius simply snorted. "As if you have memorized every single spell in the standard book of spells, Grade 1. Like me" he fired back.

James laughed and shook his head. "That was really the worst comeback ever."

"But it's true" Sirius laughed. "No really what is it? Mother and father valued education over fun most of my life, how do you play?"

Remus took up the task to explain it. "You take a handful of snow," he said as he took some up and began forming the ball." Then you make a ball, like this, and throw it" Remus threw the ball at Sirius, but he missed. All the other boys began roaring with laughter while Remus blushed, which went unnoticed as all their faces were red by the cold.

"And you also have to hit" James laughed and threw a ball at Sirius, this one hit him right on his nose. Sirius made a surprised look and quickly made a snow ball to throw it at James, but the other boy had been running away, just like Remus and Peter.

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