A brief moment

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Last time: James, Sirius and Remus had detention and Remus taught James how to cast the body-binding charm.

"Please! Make a prank with me!"

"I don't know Remus..."

Remus had for an hour now tried to convince Peter to make a prank with him, without any luck so far.

"If you don't want to I'll just have to do it alone..." Remus tried to make his best puppy-eyes, unfortunately those weren't something werewolves had. He imagined them to look rather disturbing, though this could work too, he would only stop if Peter said yes.

"Good luck then"

It was Saturday morning, one week after the detention, the two friends had just gotten back from breakfast.

"Please! It's no fun to do it alone" Remus insisted.

Remus was no longer behind with his homework, so he allowed himself to relax a little and have some fun. The other night he had been in the library and found a wonderful charm.

"Then find someone else to do it with! I don't want to use five hours cleaning a lavatory with a toothbrush!" Remus had told Peter about the detention he had gotten a week ago, it wasn't pleasant to be locked up in there for five hours. Especially with a werewolf nose.

"But I want to do it with you." Remus insisted, "Please, I promise we won't get caught, and if we do then I'll take all the blame" he promised. Remus could sense that Peter was about to give in, so he pressed on.

"Wouldn't that make me look like a bad friend?" he asked nervously.

The spell that Remus had found was a sound-effect-charm. You put the charm for instance on a book, now every time you touch that book, the charm will be triggered, and the sound effect will be released.

"Maybe... but I don't care, I just need help to do it, or someone to keep watch or something..." Remus could see that Peter considered, he wouldn't get detention, and he would do something as easy as keeping watch.

"I don't know..."

"Please" he tried one more time.

"Fine" Peter raised his hands in defeat.

The sound-effect-charm had different wand movements matters on what sound you would want.

Remus smiled, he felt much better when he was near Peter, he tried to ignore the guilt. When Black and Potter was around, he felt worse. After last Thursday they wasn't so mean to him, of course they were still mean, but they didn't attack him or Peter anymore.

He had really got respect from them, or they were just planning something really big. Remus made sure to be around Peter all the time, none of them wanted to be alone with Black and Potter out there.

Remus hadn't told Peter why he never came to Astronomy last week. He didn't know what to tell him, Peter had begged him to tell it, so at last Remus had lied about, he said that he had been sick and gone to the hospital wing. He had explained the detention with that he had been caught sneaking out. Then there came tons of questions why he was sneaking out, and why he hadn't done it with Peter.

Way too many questions.

Remus hated when Peter started asking question, it was stupid, and he was probably just paranoid. He just felt like it might somehow lead to Peter finding out about Remus.

"You're the best!" Remus exclaimed happily. He wanted to hug Peter, but wasn't sure if they were on hug-level yet. "I've already practiced, it, look." Remus pointed his wand at a rock he had found outside to practice on and said the words; Canedum. It seemed as if there was no effect, but when Peter reached out to touch the stone, it made a fart noise.

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