Pumpkin explosion

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Last time: Sirius and James finished their third prank, it was of course brilliant. Sirius has his first nightmare and he finally wrote back to Regulus.

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Pumpkin explosion


A muggle-celebration, mostly, wizards do it too, not the same way muggles do. Wizards don't dress up as monsters and go around begging for candy. Only muggle-borns and half-blood witches or wizards have maybe tried it.

James and Sirius haven't because they are pure-bloods, they don't even know of this tradition.

Peter knows about it, he did when he was younger, but the older he got, the more embarrassing it was to have his mother with him and seeing as he didn't have any friends, he didn't do it anymore.

Remus knew about this tradition. He had seen muggles walk around outside his window every Halloween, having fun, getting candy. He wanted to do it, more than anything else, but he wasn't allowed.

He was used to it though, not having all the normal things everyone else had so he lived with it. And used every Halloween to look out of the window. That window didn't bring anything but trouble.

Remus was eating dinner with his parents, Halloween night, he was six years old. His life was mainly staying inside, school and moons. When its school, it's not a real school, Remus was being home-schooled, he couldn't be in a real class because it was too loud for his sensitive ears.

The moon had been just two days ago, Remus couldn't eat properly, he just wanted to lay down and sleep, but if he should have any chance of going out tonight, he had to appear stronger than he was.

He forced the food down, his mom sent him a sad smile, she knew he wanted to go out. He had wanted to ever since she told about her Halloween stories as a child. 'When you are five' she said. 'when you are five, you will be old enough'.

When he was five he was old enough.

But too vulnerable.

They didn't want to keep Remus from doing normal things, they wanted him to be as normal as possible. But going out late at night just wasn't one of those things he was allowed to. So, he stayed inside.

"Can I go out tonight?" he asked quietly and hopefully. Remus already knew the answer.

"Not tonight Rem" His dad answered just as quietly, they never really spoke very loudly. His ears were too sensitive. Everything was always about him, they never talked about anything else. Not about the job, not about dinner. Always Remus and his condition.

Remus kept picking to his food, not eating it, he had lost his appetite, completely. Was being normal and doing normal everyday things too much to ask for? Apparently. Even though his parents tried, there were just too many things he couldn't do.

He wanted to be able to go outside without fearing everything.

He wanted to go to a real school with real people, which he could make real friends with.

He wanted to be able to look at the moon without vomiting, without crying, without wanting to remove it once and for all.

He just wanted to be normal.

And that was the only thing he could never be.

"We are moving"

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