Reserve Potter

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Last time: Sirius and James served detention, meanwhile Sirius found an old Potions book with the recipe for Polyjuice Potion. Remus points out that they don't have enough time to make it before Halloween, but they can 'borrow' something from Slughorn. It's the morning of the tryouts and James is nervous.








Reserve Potter

James took a deep breath, grabbed his broom and began walking. Sirius followed by his side – still with the ponytail in his hair. A few other Gryffindors were heading the same direction, a bunch of them was also carrying brooms.

The ceiling in the Great Hall revealed that the sun was shining, but a few clouds also flew across it. It was mainly Gryffindors who were up. James spotted a few of the players from last year, including Sally Thompson and Eileen Hill. But there was also a dozen of other students like Sebastian Pat (who was their prefect) and David Jensen.

"I've never thought of Pat as the Quidditch-type, what do you think he'll play?" Sirius asked. They had sat down at the table and James quickly filled up his plate. He would need strength if he was going to beat the other students.

James sent a look over there. "Beater. His body is built for it. It's a lot like Sidney's." he gestured towards the Quidditch Captain who just now left the Great Hall.

"Big arms and broad shoulders."

He nodded. "Exactly."

While James concentrated on eating some breakfast, Sirius looked around the room. More Gryffindors who wanted to watch the tryouts has also gotten up, but Sirius concentrated merely on the players.

"I think you have a fair chance of getting in," he said at last.

"Seriously?" James didn't realize his mistake.

"Yes, Siriusly, what else?" He smirked.

James groaned as response. He had got to watch his language because he couldn't stand another 'serious' joke. Sirius always made them at any given opportunity.

"Last flying class, when you made that trick, I looked at Madam Hooch and she looked genuinely impressed. You got some skills."

"But they never let second years play—"

"Once got to be the first," Sirius quickly replied. "We better go by the way."

None of the other people had left yet, but James had already told Sirius that he wanted to be there before it started. The earlier the better. He picked up his broom and followed Sirius out. Some people looked at them and then got up as well.

They met Remus and Peter on the way. Remus had brought a beanie, scarf and gloves. It was cold outside, but not that cold. Peter shrugged his shoulders when they noticed the look they shared. Then they raised their eyebrows at Remus.

Remus noticed and crossed his arms. "I don't wanna catch a cold," he mumbled. "When are the tryouts starting?"

"In about half an hour, so you still got time. We're just gonna go there now to make sure we're on time," Sirius quickly replied. James nodded slowly. He liked these small breaks from reality. Why couldn't it just be over already?

James snapped back when Sirius began dragging him outside. Just as the ceiling in the Great Hall had revealed, the sun outside was shining and a few clouds decorated the blue, but what the ceiling hadn't revealed was that it was cold.

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