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Last time: the guys prepare for and perform Operation Flamingo; using the Dancing Feet spell on as many students as possible. James and Sirius hex Snape which causes Evans to turn them in. Both James and Sirius got detention with Filch.









Peter turned around the corner, but quickly stepped back and bumped into Remus who stumbled a few steps backwards. He had seen Mr Filch talking to James and Sirius.

"What's going on?"

"Filch is there," Peter whispered.

Remus' eyes widened with realization. If Filch was there it definitely meant their friends had gotten or would get detention. It was inevitable, really. Filch seized every opportunity to punish students for whatever he could, and everyone knew that.

"Should we do something?" Peter didn't actually want to. There probably wasn't anything they could do anyway; only get detention themselves, and Peter knew how much Remus hated that.

"It's them who wasn't careful enough, and besides I don't think there's anything we can do."

Peter nodded in agreement.

"Are you going to gloat?" he asked suddenly.

Remus shrugged his shoulders. "Probably. Do you think they'll hex me if I do?"

Peter also shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe, but not if you hex them first."

Remus giggled. "You're right about that." But Remus didn't think he would be able to hex them like that.


"My office at seven tonight!" said Filch with his raspy voice. Mrs Norris hissed and they walked away together.

James immediately turned on Evans.

"What was that for?!" his head had gone slightly red.

"You hexed Sev!" she crossed her arms.

"So what? You can't just go against your own house!"

Evans' eyes widened and eyebrows raised. "I can if it's to protect my friend!"

"You call that snake your friend? You clearly need to sort out your priorities!"

"Sort out my priorities? What about you? Maybe you should start paying attention to school instead of planning stupid pranks all the time!"

James was about to fire something back at her when Sirius grabbed his hand harshly and quickly dragged him away from her. They only just turned around the corner when they saw Peter and Remus.

"Where'd you two disappear off to?" Sirius asked and let go of James' hand. He hadn't liked how James' head got all red and how he yelled at Evans. It wasn't the usual sweet and kind friend he knew.

"Where'd you two disappear off to?" Peter crossed his arms. "You abandoned us. The only way we found you again was because we followed the trail of dancing students. I thought we agreed to be subtle."

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