What to tell

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If you have any ideas for future chapters, I would love to hear it.

DISCLAIMER JK Rowling owes the wizarding world of Harry Potter

Last time: they make the Slide Prank. Sirius tells James and Peter some horrifying news, Remus overhears and is desperate for some chocolate. While Remus and James are in the kitchens, he tells Remus that werewolves like chocolate.








James was jubilant that Sirius was on with the 'ask McGonagall' plan. He was afraid Sirius might want to do something on his own, their constant assurance didn't make Remus come to them, but if they talked with McGonagall, and made her talk with him, then he could get it out and get help.

For once it didn't rain outside. Which was great cause it meant his 'practising Quidditch' excuse would be believable, but it was still cold so Remus wouldn't want to be outside.

Usually, they wouldn't have Astronomy right after Transfiguration, but Professor Sinistra had announced that they wouldn't need to look at the stars tonight. Last year they also had Astronomy classes at different times, but most of them took place around midnight.

So after History of Magic, Transfiguration and Astronomy they decided to grab a little snack in the kitchen. Peter was delighted to discover that the house elves loved to serve, they even took an extra great liking in Peter seeing as he asked for so many things.

It was time to start their plan.

"When are the tryouts for the Quidditch team?" Peter asked, trying to sound casual.

"In a couple of weeks," James replied a bit more casual than Peter. "I was thinking of practising for it today, the weather isn't too bad so it will be great."

"I'll come with you" Sirius stated even more casual than both of the other boys.

"I'll come too."

They all turned to Remus with a shocked expression, this was not part of the plan. Why did Remus suddenly voluntarily want to be outside?

"But you hate being outside" James accused.

Remus shrugged. "Just thought I would come to support. Why? You don't want me there?"

"No no no!" he quickly exclaimed. "I mean; of course I want you to be there, I just don't want you to feel like you have to. I know you don't enjoy being outside that much because it's cold." James hoped he hadn't upset Remus, but mostly he hoped the other boy would stay in the library with Peter or something.

Remus smiled and was about to answer, but Peter saw it has his cue and spoke before him. "Uhh... I was thinking of practising some charms I still struggle with, don't you want to help me, Remus?"

"Are you not coming with us? It could be so much fun" Remus insisted.

"Uhm... I just thought you would like to get some studying done before you visit your mom..."

"There's a reason we have Study Sunday" he pointed out. "What is the big fuss about? I just thought it would be nice to do something fun together."

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