chapter 26

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After that night, I visited my family every once in a while. Sometimes at night when everyone was asleep and sometimes at day when no one was looking or I either froze them. It became a routine of mine to check on them, just to be sure that they are safe.

I was actually on my way back to the Cullen’s house when suddenly my cell went off. First I thought that it would be matt ringing me to ask if whether I am alive or not. Well yes, it happened many times. It’s just because of his witty and funny remarks that I have stopped going to him on every occasion I want to feed. So, once in a while he ring me up asking if whether I have killed someone or not cause he knows about my power disfunctionality whenever I don’t feed often.

But I froze on my tracks when I saw that it was actually Dmitri calling me. It has been awhile since I have visited the Volterra. Well, to be honest I haven’t been there since the incident with Nessie.

So I teleported, to just where Demitri was standing.  Well his back was to me and that is why he was still ringing me. He turned around and almost attacked, but stopped when he realised that it’s just me.

“Lin, you would never stop surprising me;” he said but when he caught sight of my cell, which was still ringing in my hand, he frowned and ask, “why are you not picking your call?” His brow was joined so that confirmed that he didn’t get it.

“Well I am here so I can talk to you directly you know, there’s no need to take your call when we can talk face to face. Now is it?” I told him and then he started laughing.

“So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?” I asked him. He just nodded and replied, “Aro...” but I cut him off knowing what he is going to say. Aro wants to see me. I just turned around; ignoring Demitri’s sheepish look, and went to the chamber where I know Aro would be waiting for me.

I walked into the chamber and as expected Aro was in his chair in the middle; hands folded and chin on it. He was deep in his thought but when he heard me came in, he looked up and suddenly a smile lit up on his face, like a child’s on seeing the Santa on the Christmas. Marcus was as usual on Aro’s right, his face lit up too but I knew that his smile is genuine. Suddenly I felt guilt came over me knowing that I haven’t seen Marcus for a while.

“Lin, I was waiting for you.” Aro exclaimed, I scoffed at that, yeah like I didn’t know that. Most probably you would have some new trick up your sleeves, but this time I won’t fall for it. ‘Good luck Aro with your new plan’, I thought to myself.

“What do you want me for Aro?” I asked him, making sure my voice is out of any emotion. But this time it was Marcus who answered.

“It will be 2500years of volturi into power this coming week, and we are having a ball. I know it’s such a short notice and we have to invite many of our friends who live far away from us. And even with our source and power, we won’t be able to deliver all the invitations on time to make the guests make it on time here. So, we were hoping that could you deliver some of the invitations for us, only the long distances ones, the rest will be taken care of.” Marcus finished. At first I didn’t knew what to say but looking at their faces I know they were expecting my answer so I just nodded, to which Marcus took a sigh of relief and Aro’s face lit up.

“But I would need someone to tell me the way. Could Jane company me?” I asked but Marcus just shook his head with a grim face and said, “Jane is busy, doing preparations with Caius and Felix.” It was until then I realised that all three of them were missing, “so you have to do it with Dmitri.” Marcus finished with an apologetic smile.

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