chapter 27

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The whole place was deserted. I don’t even have to use my vampire sense, let alone my gift to know that the house is empty. I wonder what happened in the last two to three days, and then a dread hit me like a brick.

What if the volturi has come to know about their existence and they send someone to... I couldn’t even finish that sentence in my head. What will I do if it’s true? All this time I thought that they were safe and that made me ok with whatever I am today because I knew that my family is safe but now I can’t even guarantee that. Whatever happened I have to know.

With that thought I ran inside the house. I went through the front porch to Chris bedroom. Everything always started from his room, so why not I start from here too. So, first I tried to clear my mind because I won’t be able to concentrate if my mind is not at peace.

After some very deep breaths I became calm. I give myself a push and released some air wishing to know what happened. I have only did this one time, almost thirty years back when I get home and found it stranded and even then didn’t knew what was happening and how it’s happening. So I did the only thing I did last time. I just wished I knew what happened.

And just like last time everything came to me. First I saw Chris was sleeping in his bed. Ok this is going well, but I was dreading what’s going to happen next. Do I really want to see that? Pull yourself together Angelina; you have to know what happened.

With that thought, I started to concentrate again. At exactly six in the morning, Chris alarm went off. He woke up, stretched a little and froze. Wait, why did he froze? He sniffed the air and then I realise what happened.  In my haste to return to the volturi when Dmitri called me, I forgot to erase my scent.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Stupid move. Very stupid, stupid move.

Then everything turned into chaos and if I weren’t a vampire then I am sure I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the things that happened. Just after Chris realised that there is a vampire scent in his room he ran outside to check everyone.  By the time he went in everyone’s room, each of them was already packing, given I visited all of their rooms.

The routine was same as the last time, about thirty years ago. They packed the necessities, just grabbing either what comes at hand or something very significant. Then they all came downstairs to wait for others and in the end, piled into their respective cars and drove to who knows where, leaving the place deserted. All was left behind was their scent, which will be erased by the time anyone notices.

I know I can’t do anything, at the very least, not now. So, with a heavy un-existing heart and a very sour mood I returned to Voltera. Everyone sensed my mood by the time I entered, so no one dared crossed my path, even Aro didn’t dare say a word other than just giving orders. And I was very grateful of Marcus to not ask anything. Even when I returned to the Cullen’s, they tried to avoid me. Esme did try to ask but one shake of my head and she got the point.

Today was the day of the ball and everyone was busy getting ready for the ball. I offered to teleport them to voltera as taking a flight would be just useless, and they agreed as it was the right thing plus no one have to sit through a very long and boring flight. Not to mention that if Bella and Alice were staying back then Edward would be on edge, and no one wants to be stuck with him in a plane where he could easily catch them, if it comes to that.

Alice was helping Rose and Esme get ready in Nessie’s room, and Nessie is helping Alice getting them ready. Guys were getting ready by themselves in their respective rooms. Bella and Edward was in their room, well actually Bella is trying to keep him calm. Just because he agrees with her, that doesn’t mean that he is happy with her decision.

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