chapter 20

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My life would be peaceful if Aro wasn’t after me all the time. I mean what does he exactly want? Well I know what exactly he want which is to own me, yes own me. Sick I know. But I was under him already, I mean I do things which he asks me to do and even that without any question asked. What more does he want. Did he want me to lick his feat or wash his clothes or feed him blood spoon by spoon?

Every day he calls me and takes my hand wishing that he would get something but I know how to block my thoughts. No one knows about my past. It’s not that they didn’t ask, in fact every single person did, but I told them that I don’t remember anything before the time I was turned. Everyone believed too but not Aro. He is adamant that I remember everything and not telling him, which was questioned by others that why I would do that, to which he replied that maybe I’m trying to save someone because I may have broken a rule or something. When first he said that I was shocked that how could he just jump to the right point but then I realised that he has centuries of experience behind him. I just ignore him every day saying that he should stop worrying about me or he would get premature gray hair or wrinkles.

Marcus is the only one who is quite sure that I remember my past because he could still feel the bond with Chris but I told him straight that I don’t remember anything so if there’s a bond then I don’t remember anything about it, to which he didn’t push further. That’s also the best part about Marcus, he never pushes me to do anything I don’t want to and I know that I could always count on him because I know he will always have my back.

Then there is also the other reason like, Marcus know if Aro knew about any of my weaknesses then he would try to end it too just like he did to Marcus’s wife Didyme. The first time I realised that if Aro could do that to his own brother, then I know that I don’t have a chance before him. Marcus is not Aro’s blood brother but Didyme was his own blood sister, how could he kill his own sister. They just wanted to move away from voltera and live a peaceful life. But Aro knew Marcus’s gifts are very significant to just let go, so he killed his wife. Marcus knows about that and wanted to move away but Aro is keeping him with someone’s help or gift one can say.

Well back to present, Aro has a new plan and I think this one might work too. Well it actually depends on me whether I want his plans to work or not but I actually like this one so I m going to go along with it and see where it goes.

For the past few weeks Aro has been planning to send me to one of his old friend. The Cullens. Well in the beginning I was curious as to why he would choose them, he would have chosen anyone but why them? So I started looking inside everyone’s head. I know it’s a bad habit of mine but I can’t actually ask anyone because if Aro finds out that I was asking about the Cullen then he would get suspicious because I haven’t told anyone about all of my powers. They know I could do some stuff but not the whole thing. When Aro has asked me about that then I just told him that he should just see the result not how I give my exams.

So, after looking for about a week I knew the reason why he had chosen them. Apparently Carlisle, the head of the coven was once used to live with the volturi but he valued human lives too much so  after a while he left them and went on his own. He never lost touch with them but his own coven started growing and today his coven is the largest in the world after the volturi. Not only that, his coven is actually filled with gifted vampires. Apart from that, they have a mixed breed of a vampire and a human who was the imprint of a shape-shifter. This is the part which intrigued me the most.

I know I would never be able to see my family and this is the only way through which I could still be near them. I would see the shifter and pray for my kids. So, the real plan was that Aro would send me to the Cullens and when I will get close to them, then he will use them against me. I have to give it to Aro this one, if he couldn’t found a weakness that doesn’t mean that he can’t create them. But I have a plan of my own too. I know I can’t let them close to me, for their own safety.

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