chapter 19

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Taking a deep breath, standing on the tallest tower of Voltera, looking over the city, I thought about how I ended up here. It’s something I do every night or every time I have nothing to do. One can also conclude that it’s my favourite pastime, but no one knew why. Every time I come here my whole life flashes before my eyes, like they do before someone is going to die. But I have been dead for over three decades now and I still remember that night like it was just yesterday. Every little single detail of it.

To say it was an easy ride would be the understatement in the history of the vampires. I don’t know whether it’s the same for everyone or not but for me it was sure as difficult as having a bath in hell.

My very first obstacle was my craving for blood. From the moment I realised that its blood I am craving, I also knew that it’s not in me to kill a person. I may have become a vampire but I would never become a killer. I almost have killed a man too if his thoughts have not ran into my mind. I was confused as what is happening to me. Chris has told me everything he knew about vampires but he never mentioned things like teleporting from one place to another, reading minds, making someone still; oh yeah I can do that too. How? Even I didn’t know at that time, but I will get to that later.

So I knew I won’t kill anyone for blood so I went and bought blood from the money I had taken from dad’s place. Yeah I know ironic, right? A vampire buying blood but at that time it felt right no matter how foolish it seems now. So, I kept sustaining myself on paid blood but after I ran out of money I started stealing it.

It was after six months I met Lillian. I was wandering through the Amazons when I saw her consuming a zebra. At first, I was shocked to see but later she explained to me that she just value a human’s life to take it just for satisfying her thirst and one can live on animal’s blood too.

I thought it was a great idea than to keep stealing bloods from blood bank. I told Lillian my problem and she said she would help me. From then on began my real journey as a vampire. I and lily, as I used to call her, started living in the Amazon basin. She was teaching me how to control my thirst for human blood and also to getting used to animals blood. She was also teaching me to control my heightened senses and to be able to walk among humans without much difficulty.

After what felt like eternity but only two and a half years I was finally able to control my thirst and was used to animal blood. But a new problem arose. I started feeling weak and started losing control at times. The worst was when one day I was lost in my thoughts and lily surprised me, I whipped around and before I know what happened, lily’s hand was of her shoulder. It was a good thing that vampires can be assembled back.

Lily marked this and then she decided that I would be put back on human blood. I opposed that but she asked me what will happen if a do that to a human. That convinced me and I went back to stealing blood.

Lily met her mate Mathew, or matt as I call him, after five years and I knew that I am keeping her back from living a happy life with him. So, I convinced them to part ways with me saying that I need to learn how to control my powers and in order to do that I need to practice and it would be dangerous for anybody to be near me when I do.

So, reluctantly they agreed and we parted ways but not before lily made me promise that I will keep visiting her and that I will never forget her, I won’t do anything foolish and many other things. I agreed to all of that for her and left on a happy note.

I started travelling through mountains, oceans, deserts and forest. Anything that came in my way I crossed that. I started training but I didn’t know where to start as I don’t know what my powers were. After a while I realised that I have the ability to control air or wind. That I can use it as, I wish. Air is something that has access to anywhere, even inside a vampire’s body. So I started experimenting on animals and after a while when I have enough patience and control over it, then I started using it on vampires too.

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