chapter 18

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Before I even process what he said or try to figure out what’s happening, my body felt alive with fire. It was like someone is burning me parts by parts. On top of that, I felt like an insect which was on fire was crawling over my body. I thought that maybe if I scream then someone would hear me and come to help but my voice was seem to stuck in my throat, I couldn’t get it out.

The darkness was pulling me down but it was only the hope that if I get pass through what was happening then maybe I could go back to my family. As I saw them left, I doubt that the two of the vampires would come back for me soon. I just hope that Chris would wait for me. But other part of me really hopes that he left with the kids. I mean what if the vampires went back to them? Chris won’t be able to fight off two vampires at a time. Maybe he left and then come back for me. Yes that seem quite reasonable, I would just have to wait for him.

But for now I just have to fight with this fire which was burning me. I am surprised that no one has yet found that this place is on fire. I am sure by the intensity of heat that the fire is spreading all around me. But when I think back I didn’t see them putting the room on fire. He did bite me before he left or was that something I just imagined?

Whatever is going on I wish it ends soon because I won’t be able to bear it more. I just hope that I don’t die here, unfound. I just wish to die in Chris’s arms or at least he was the last person I wanted to see before I close my eyes forever.

The burning subdued a little bit but a new thing came over, pain. If the fire has failed to kill me then this pain will surely succeed. I just have to pull through this too. Oh God help me. Help me fight this pain.

I don’t know how long I have been writhing in pain but after what felt like an eternity it started to numb down. I literally felt the pain seeping away from my body cell by cell. It was quite, so much that I couldn’t even hear my own heartbeat, just the rustling of wind so loud that it felt like a thunderstorm is brewing outside.

Suddenly the pain was gone; it felt like it left me just like it came. I tried to move my fingers and it moved. I felt relieved and then tried to shake my body and then I realised that I could feel my legs. Thank god, now I won’t have to crawl or drag my own body everywhere. I opened my eyes and met with a bright stream of light, which made me to shut it again. I tried again, but this time slowly.

Once I adjusted to the light, I realised that I was still in the same room, which was just the way it was. The fire must be within me, thinking about which just made me more confused. I realised that it was dark outside and there was no storm. On the contrary the wind was calm by the looks but to me it felt like it was going at million miles per hour.

Everything was much clearer like I just had an eye operation and I am seeing things brighter and clearer now. Another thing I noticed that the air, what wait I can’t see air. No one can see air but I was watching it. It was like things like bacteria of all kind, dust, even dead cells, which can only be seen through microscope, things about which I have read in the books were floating around. I realised that I was holding my breath for so long so I released it and all the things in the air scattered away.

As I was able to feel my legs, I tried to move it and try to sit up but I was not finished thinking about it a moment ago and the next thing I knew I was standing on my feet. It was so fast that I thought that I would get a whiplash but everything was steady.

I moved towards the window slowly, taking my time because I was afraid I will find them sitting outside, waiting for me to wake up again. I peeked out of the window and didn’t found anyone sitting outside but what surprised me was the scenario. The streets were covered with if not feet then surely metres of snow. I remember that it was still June when I left home, how it can be possible. If there was an oncoming blizzard then I am sure the weather department would have telecasted that.

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