chapter 13

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It’s been two month since I got discharged from the hospital.

First I was upset thinking that I won’t be able to see Chris every day, but later I was proved wrong  when he showed up at my door the very next say, with flowers in his hand.

Since then he came every day after work and stayed till I was asleep. First dad didn’t like this routine of his but with time he realised that there is nothing he could do about it so he never said a word. Another reason for his acceptance could be that we never did anything which we weren’t supposed to do.

 Dad used to check on us every half an hour but after sometime, when he finally realised that Chris would never advantage of me, he stopped doing that and left us in peace. That doesn’t mean that we never tried anything.

Usually when he arrives, he would be escorted to my room by dad. Then he would come in, give me a peck in the cheeks, hand me the flower and take a seat on the chair beside my bed. After dad leaves us alone he would move to the bed and sat beside me, with his arms around my shoulder. Then every once in a while he would give a peck on my cheeks or rub his nose against my it, which is always followed by a steamy make-out session, but before things got out from our hands Chris would stop, normally saying that daddy would hear us or what if we got caught.

First I used to think that he didn’t want me in that way but with time I realised that the situation is quite reverse. The truth is that, Chris knew that if dad ever caught us in any compromising situation or position then there’s a good chance that he would lose me.

But the truth was even I was scared with just the thought of losing him. Now that I know I love him, I don’t know what will happen if we were forced to be apart.

I am actually losing my sleep thinking about me going to college. I know Chris would never agree with me not going to college but being apart from me will crush him. To be honest if Chris is the price I have to pay for college then I think, it’s not worth it. But I can’t actually ask Chris to come with me because it will mean for him to leave Carlisle, because he just got comfortable here. Plus I can’t ever think of asking him to leave his mother behind, as he is the reason she is going through her life. It would be heartless and cruel for me to even think about it.

So with that I only got two options left:

First, pursue your dream here in Carlisle by joining community college.

Lastly, drop your dream and stay with Chris.

Whatever I decide, I have to do it quick because I will be joining college in a few days.

Apart from that, Chris has been giving me piano lessons. He knows how much I loved it, so he asked me about it and I agreed happily. First we started with the jingles then after a while and after much insisting he taught me the song he played when he visited me for the first time. Now I can play that too but not that fluently. He told me that with time and practise I will be as good as him, but I doubt so. God knows how old he is and how long he would be practising. I once asked him how old is he but he dodged the question and I didn’t push further for that. What if he is really old and it gross me out. Although I don’t think so that there is a chance of it happening but if he is not comfortable with it then I am going to just let it go.

Apart from that he taught me cooking. Although I am not a bad cook but a few tricks can’t bring down my ego, right..? Chris even joked that he is preparing me for the future so that I could cook for him and our kids which warmed me to the core. He didn’t realise it but that one sentence of his gave me a new and bright hope for our future, together.

And then he told me about the vampires. Like how to identify them with the rest and how to defend which I don’t think is possible given they are so fast and strong but Chris still insisted saying it will give his mind peace knowing I know how to defend myself. He also trained me. And when I said trained, I literally mean it. He taught me some stunts and all. When I told him that I don’t think so that I would need this ever then he said that now as I am linked to him then I should be more careful.

Today is Chris’s birthday. Elizabeth has invited us for dinner. Chris on the other hand was very keen on not celebrating. His exact words were, “what’s the point of celebrating birthday when you’re not ageing” but after both I and Elizabeth almost beg him saying that this is the first birthday after we met, then only he agreed.

So, currently we were in our living room, waiting for Chris to pick us up. Dad said that we will be fine but Chris insisted that he will pick us up.

We heard a car pulled up and grabbed our coat before heading for the door. Chris was about to knock when dad opened the door. They both exchanged pleasantries and then dad indicated me to get out so he could lock the door. I went to Chris and he gave me a heart warming smile.

“Happy birthday” I greeted him, and gave him a peck and murmured, “I love you” in his ear.

He just wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug but let go quickly, when I pulled apart he just gave a glimpse past me and turned towards his car. I watch in confusion but when I looked around I saw dad looking at me directly. I blushed thinking what else he could have seen. He just nodded towards the car and walked past me.

Dad sat on the back, knowing that I would be sitting on the passenger seat beside Chris but I didn’t want him to feel alone, so I sat with him at the back. He was staring at me but when I said “what..?” he just shook his head with a small smile on his lips. I saw Chris looking at me, most probably for my actions, in the rear view mirror but when I gave him a pleading look to let it go, he just gave me a smile with a nod. See this is the thing I love about him, he just understands me without me saying anything.

The ride was quite but it was not awkward. We reach Chris house in twenty minutes. As soon the car stopped, Elizabeth came rushing out. I haven’t seen her for like three weeks. She used to visit me once in a while.

“How are you doing love..?” she asked gripping me in a tight hug. Even when I was almost choking to death by her hug, it doesn’t bother me because she is the only one in the world closer to my mother and I adore her.

“you are choking her ma” Chris said trying to pry me off her hands but Elizabeth just slap his hands back and pulled back to see me.

“I am fine Elizabeth, stop giving yourself wrinkles, by worrying about me” I told her while smoothing the lines on her forehead.

“Huh... wrinkles and Me.? Wrinkles are for old people. I am still young.” she snorted trying to lighten the mood but I was sure to catch her sarcasm.

After that all of us went inside. I have a feeling that something big is going to happen but it could be just my imagination or my nerves as I have decided that today I am going to tell Chris my decision about my future, whether he likes it or not he have to accept it as there is no other choice left.

Because today if I am sure about one thing then it’s the fact that I can’t live without him and I can bet my life on it that he feels the same about me.

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