chapter 3

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We snapped out of our little staring trance when someone clears their throat. I turned and saw Elizabeth grinning to the extent that it must be hurting her cheeks and dad was confused which was understandable because this is the first time i have ever looked at a boy for more than 3 minutes without even a word spoken between us.

There was an awkward silence in the room, no one dared to speak first and I refused to look at this mysterious-mind-captivating-with-his-eyes- boy again.

Finally Elizabeth decided to break the silence, “baby, this is Angelina and Angelina this is my son Christopher.” He just nodded and offered his hand to shake. I so much wanted to not touch him wondering the effects of his touch but at the same time I didn’t wanted to be rude so I extended my hand to reach his.

I was right to wonder about his touch because as soon as my skin came in contact with his there was a jolt of electricity which literally sent both of us stumbling backwards. I jerked my hands away from his and a flash of pain crossed his face, but he composed himself so quickly that I thought I imagined it.

“Pleasure, to meet you” He smiled and I could say truth and sincerity rung in that nice voice of his.

I nodded, “same here.”

Elizabeth interrupted us, “well, I wish I could stay with you Angelina but you see I have surgery to perform with your father, but I promise as soon as I finish I will give you a tour.” She pleaded.

“It’s ok. Dad actually told me about the surgery. He wanted to pick me up during lunch but I insisted saying that I can roam around until you guys are finished. It was pretty boring at home. But you don’t have to worry about me take all the time you want, I’ll just wait for you here.”

“Well that’s a relief, but you don’t have to wait here alone I’m sure Chris won’t mind keeping you company. Would you Chris...?” she asked him with a grin. What is up with this lady, why is she grinning like a lunatic, I am sure there is hidden meaning to it but it could be just the effect of my cynical mind, dad is right I should stop reading Sheldon.

“Of course I won’t mind ma. Angelina could stay with me if she like.” He answered and I realise every one looking at me for answer.

“Yes, I would like that.” I mumbled.

“So it’s settled then. C’mon Robin we have a surgery to perform and you kids behave and stay out of trouble.” She said clapping her hands and the last part she said pointing to Chris, I wondered why?

Dad went out of the room followed by Elizabeth, but before she got out she turned and said, “By the way Angelina,” I looked up, “happy birthday dear.” And with a wink she was gone.

I don’t know why but I felt my cheeks heating. When I looked up, Chris was looking at me with an amused smile, “many many happy returns of the day”, he wished and I blushed even more. Seriously, what is wrong with Me.? Can’t I have a normal conversation with a boy, without blushing?

“thanks.” I mumbled awkwardly.

“So,” he continued, “are you still in school?”

“No, I graduated from high school just last month. I was looking forward to attending college this fall.”

“What field are you going to pursue?”

“Medical...” I answered but it came out more like a question.

“You’re not sure?” He inquired raising a brow which in a weird way made him look more desirable. Damn what has happen to my old mind, when did I started to think like a pervert.

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