chapter 11

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I knew I was dreaming because I was at the cemetery. There were many people whom I didn’t recognise. They were all surrounding something, I didn’t know what. I tried to wriggle through them and finally made it to the front.

The first thing I saw was my dad who was consoling someone I didn’t recognise. I tried to look harder and after a moment I realised that he was holding Elizabeth. As soon as I realised it, her eyes snapped up and met mine.

She was torn like she has lost everything. Her eyes held an accusing glare towards me, which I didn’t know why. I looked up at dad, maybe he could tell me what’s happening but he just shook his head like he’s disappointed by me. I got more confused and as if to clear my confusion he looked down. I followed his gaze which landed on the coffin. As soon as I saw who was in there my heart stopped.

My eyes snapped open. My heart was beating at mile per hour. I rubbed my face with my hands only to find that my face is all sweaty, in fact my whole body is covered in sweat and I am practically wet.

I can’t believe what I saw. In the coffin was a body, of a person I can recognise anywhere. It was Chris. He was wearing a tux. His face looks pale with dark circles under his eyes. Even then he looked flawless.

I looked outside and it was still dark. I couldn’t sleep after that. Chris’s dead face flashed through my eyes every time I close it. I tried very hard but felt like something is missing. I turned and tried to twist as my body is still sore from the accident, on the bed but to no avail. After what felt like years dawn hit the windows and I got more restless.

I don’t know what I am going to do but I was sure that I won’t let my nightmare turn into reality, at any cost, in any way.

There was a knock on door, I called to come in and dad entered, looking sleep deprived. I felt bad for leaving him alone at home, all by himself but he didn’t let me get discharge saying that I needed rest. He came and sat on the chair, which was on the left side of my bed.

“Hey dad. Good morning” I said nervously. I was so nervous that I was wet again with sweats. I tried taking deep breaths just to calm myself. Dad noticed my state and got worried.

“Are you okay angel...? Does it hurt somewhere..? Do you need anything...?” he asked, worry clear in his voice but his face was calm.

“Its okay dad, I am fine. No need to panic this much. I was just readjusting my position cause I was sitting like this for a long time.” I waved my hand gesturing my current position. He helped me shift to another position, and then got back to his chair.

“Why have you been sitting in this position...? Are you having any problem sleeping...?” he asked. I didn’t want to tell him about my dreams but I have to ask him this.

“Umm. Actually dad I wanted to ask you something.” I stated looking at the bed sheets.

“What..?” he asked sceptically then sighed and continued, “You know speaking of asking, you never told me what happened that day...?”

I didn’t know what to tell him. First I didn’t tell because I thought they would send me to a mental asylum, after that I never had the chance but now I am not even sure if I even wanted to tell him anything. I just signed because I know I have to tell him, something.

“He took me to this beautiful place” I started. “Oh dad, you should see this place it was so breathtaking. It has this waterfall which forms a lake. Anyway, we were just talking when suddenly this huge bear came out of nowhere,” I stole a glance at dad, to see if he was falling in the web I am spinning and by the look of it, he was. I felt bad for lying to him but this was necessary.

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