Chapter 26

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Kelly POV-

I have been awake for about 5 minutes, it's early in the morning so I don't want to wake Robbin up, she was extremely tired from the amount of crying she did yesterday, so I think it's best to let her sleep.

As i was admiring hero saw she was beginning to wake up, she slowly opened her eyes and said "hot long have you been awake?"

"Only about 5 minutes"

"Why didn't you wake me up"

"It's only 7 on the morning and you were really tired last night, so I let you sleep more"

"Can we cuddle for a while please?" She asked.

"Whatever you want"

When I said this she shuffled as close as possible to me and rested her head in the crook of my neck, I felt her breathing slowing down, telling me she was falling asleep again.

I just turned in the tv quietly so I could watch it while she sleeps.

After an hour or two Robbin woke up, I could tell she was still tired, but it looked like she wanted to get this day over and done with, as it is the anniversary of her mother's death.

"You stay in bed while I go and make us some breakfast" I said.


I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, I decided on making something simple, as it won't take as long so we can spend the day doing what Robbin would like to do.

I opted for omelettes with cheese and ham, they are quick and easy, but also taste divine.

I opted for omelettes with cheese and ham, they are quick and easy, but also taste divine

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Once I had cooked it, I balanced the plates on one of my arms and grabbed the glasses or fresh orange in the other and made my way upstairs without trying to spill anything.

When I got to the room I noticed Robbin wasn't in there, "Robbin where are you?"

"In the bathroom, I'm just getting changed"

"Okay well breakfast is ready"

"Be out in a min"

When she came back into the bedroom she went straight to the plate of food and gobbled up the food in less than 5 minutes, she must've been really hungry I thought to myself.

When I was done Robbin offered to go and clean up, I only allowed her to because she seemed adamant and I also needed to get changed.

When I was walking downstairs I heard Robbin yelling to me saying "Please can we go to the flower shop so I can pick up some roses to lay on the grave"

"Yeah of course" I say while grabbing her worst from behind and kissing the back of her neck.

We walked out of the door and headed towards her car in the drive, "you need to lock up the house Robbin"

"Oh yeah" she replied with a stupid grin on her face.

Once she had locked the house we got in the car and headed towards the local florist.

When we arrived we walked into the building signalling the bell above the door, we walked to the counter and the woman asked "what can I do for you?"

Robbin replied "I was wondering if you have any bouquets of roses"

"We have some in at the moment, are there any particular colours you are wanting?" The lady asked.

"Possible a misfire of colours"

"I'll go get a bouquet for you to see if you like it"

"Thank you" Robbin replied.

The woman came back with a huge bouquet, it was beautiful, I can never see flowers too many times, I can never tire of their sweet fragrance. Each one is a delicate bloom, no matter if it is a formal garden or a waste land. Their petals are delicate works of art and their hues are medicine for my soul. I guess it's not just me that feels that way though, we bring flowers into the hospitals and graveyards, we send them to express our love, we plant them in our yards though they bear no edible fruits. There is something about their beauty I need for my whole being, to be fully human, I wonder if we're all a bit like that. Without the flowers it would only be concrete, and I think the drop in temperature would freeze my heart.

 Without the flowers it would only be concrete, and I think the drop in temperature would freeze my heart

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(Bouquet of roses)

Robbin proceeded to say"I'll take them, they're beautiful.

"I'll pay for them, can you go put them in the car?" I suggested.

"Sure" she reluctantly agreed.

Once I had paid I walked out of the door and the the car, once I had slammed the door shut u turned towards Robbin "are we going to the graveyard now?" I asked.



She put the keys in the ignition and turned the keys, setting off to the graveyard.

When we arrived she grabbed the flowers from the backseat and we headed through the gates.

Rows of tombstones stood erect in silence to the left and right, in front and behind, like a sea of the dead. Some were crumbled with the weathering of centuries, some were smooth marble with new black writing and laid with floral tributes. Most though, were overgrown and unkempt, for now even their mourners had joined them under the clay soil. An upon the hill a new grave had been dug to await it's new occupant.

She took my hand I hers and pulled me to the left.

We arrived at a grave and I noticed the last name was the same as Robbins, "I'll go it on the bench so you can have some tome alone"

"Thank you"

I walked away and sat in the old bench that was close enough to see her, but not close enough to interfere"

A couple of minutes later I noticed her placing the flowers next to the headstone, finally letting tears fall from her eyes.

I walked over to her and engulfed her into a hug, "you're okay, let it go" I said while she was sobbing into my shirt.

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