Chapter 8

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(Image above - Kelly and Robbin cuddling while watching a movie)

Kelly POV -

After the group hug we had at lunch I went to the bathrooms so that I could wipe some of the mascara that had run down my face off.

Once I was done with this I started to text Robbin so she knew she had someone to talk to about what happened today if she wanted to.

Me: Are you okay after today?

Robbin: yeah it was just a bit unexpected.

Me: You can always talk to me about it if you like, seen as I recently went through something similar.

Robbin: Could we talk about it today after school?

Me: You wanna come to my house after school?

Robbin: That would be great thanks.

Me: After school you can follow me to my house if you'd like.

Robbin: Of course, thank you.


It's now the end of the day, I'm waiting outside near my bike waiting for Robbin to arrive. 5 minutes later she came out and I told her to follow me and that it would normally take about 15 minutes to get to my house.

When we arrived home we parked in the driveway and entered the house.

"Mum I'm home"

"did you have a good day at school"

"yeah, it was ok".

My mum walked into the room me and Robbin were in, "oh hello, you must be one of Kelly's friends"

"yes, it's nice to meet you Miss Myers"

"Oh, please call me Sarah"

"Okay Sarah"

"We're going to go to my room if that's okay"

"of course that's alright, would you like anything to eat or drink before you go upstairs"

"no thanks mum"

I showed Robbin the way to my room, as we walked inside I saw her admiring the walls and all of the posters and drawings on them.

"Did you draw these?"

"yeah, I like to draw when I have some spare time"

"well they're amazing your really good at drawing"

"thank you" I say as I laid down on my bed and patted next to me to get Robbin to come lay down.

"Would you like to talk about what happened today at lunch now?"

"Not really, would it be ok if we talked about the reason you moved here first?"

"Of course"

I proceeded to tell her about how I caught my 'best friend' and boyfriend having sex on our 2 year anniversary, while I was at his house to give him a gift.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, but did you seriously throw a key and a ring at them"

"yeah, you should of seen there faces when they were trying to dodge them"

"I wish I could've" she commented quietly.

"Anyway are you on to talk about what happened today?"

"Yeah, I guess"

I looked at her and waited for her to continue so she could tell I was listening to her. "As you saw he grabbed me quite hard and has left some bruises on my arms. Well it's not the first time something like this has happened. He has hit me before when he was angry as he has some sort of anger issues that his parents have never seen to. To be honest I'm not that upset about actually having to break up with him, because I wanted to do it before you even arrived, but I was scared because I didn't know how he was going to react when I told him, but I just didn't feel the same as i use to about him anymore."

After she had finished I could see some tears in her eyes "Robbin it's okay to cry, let it all out" and won't that she cuddled up to me and started bawling her eyes out.

We stayed in this position for about half an hour until she calmed down, you could tell she has been crying because all of her face and eyes were red.

"Thank you for listening to me, it was good to have someone to talk to"

"of course, you can always talk to me, even though we may not have known each other for long, I feel a connection with you that I can't explain" she looked at me and replied "me too" and smiled at me.

After our talk we decided that we can watch a movie until she has to go home, I told her that I wasn't going to pick a horror because she was terrified of them, and she was very grateful for this.

During the the movie, we started to get closer to each other and eventually ended up cuddling, I wasn't concentrating on the movie I was focusing on her and how in this moment for some reason it feels right, and I don't want to change that.

But I unfortunately the movie was coming to and end. We ended up talking to each other for about an hour before my mum came up and asked us if Robbin was staying for dinner. Robbin texted her dad and asked if it was ok if she could have dinner hear and he said it was okay.

My mum allowed us to eat up in my room so we had privacy, I think it's because she could tell Robbin had been crying because her eyes were still a little bloodshot, because she wouldn't normally allow me to eat up here. Once we were done with our dinner Robbin decided it would be best if she leaves as she has homework for tomorrow.

"I'll see you tomorrow, text me when you get home"

"ok I will bye, see you tomorrow"


25 minutes later:

Robbin: Just got home, thank you for inviting me over, I had fun.

Me: No problem, you can come over any time.

Robbin: Some day I'll take you up on that offer.

Me: I hope you will, goodnight Robbin.

Robbin: goodnight Kel.

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