Chapter 2

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Kelly POV -

Once I stormed out of the house I went straight home. I was greeted by my dad, he instantly knew something was wrong and his face softened.

I ran into his arms and started crying again. He held me until I stopped crying. "Honey what wrong, why are you crying" he asked softly. "He cheated on me dad, he cheated on me with by best friend, and I caught them on about anniversary" I sobbed out. His face suddenly changes and I could tell he became angry, but also sympathetic.

"I don't want to face them ever again, I don't think I would be able to handle it" as soon as this left my mouth I started crying into his shoulder again.


I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is waking up in the warmth of my own duvet. I slowly made my way downstairs and came face to face with my dad on the phone, so I went into the living room .

I heard him talking with my mother but I wasn't paying attention enough to know what they were saying. "Kelly".

"Kelly" I looked at my dad when I felt his hand on my shoulder. "I've spoken to your mother, she said you can stay with her for a bit until you feel better, but you will have to enrol in a new school while you are there".

I looked at my dad "are you serious" I said with a little bit of a smile. "Yes honey, you can live there until you feel like you want to come back".

"Yes please I would love too" I say with more enthusiasm. He chuckled and said "only if you promise to call me every day and tell me how you are doing".

I ran over to him and jumped into his arms "Of course I will, thank you so much, I love you".

"I love you to".


The next couple of days I spent packing all of my things up, I figured out I had a lot more clothes than I thought I did, and it was a pain to pack all of them up.

By the end of the day everything was packed and ready for me to leave tomorrow, so I went or a shower, got into my black shorts and loose navy shirt and went to bed. I was thinking about how my life will be when I move until I felt myself drifting in and out of sleep.

I woke up feeling refreshed, I had a shower, did my hair, put on a little bit of makeup, but not a lot because I was always told that I didn't need any and got dressed into the outfit I laid out last night.

My dad called me downstairs for breakfast, he made me peanut butter pancakes with slices of banana on top. "Thank you" I told him. "Only the best for you darling" he said and kissed me on my forehead before going upstairs and getting changed.

When he came back downstairs I was done with my pancakes and was waiting for the van to arrive, all of my belongings were going to be put into the van that was going to deliver them to my mums house, so that I could drive my bike there.


An hour later the van arrived and all my things had been put into it.

It was time for me to say goodbye to my dad. I was trying my hardest to be strong and not let any tears out. "I'm gonna miss you"

"I'm going to miss you too, make sure you have a good time and make lots of new friends".

"I will, don't worry about me"

"I love you"

"I love you to dad". We hugged and I made my way to my bike that I was going to be driving to my mums on. I put my helmet on, looked at my dad and waved goodbye.

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