VS. Zane

531 10 13

Episode(s): 50 (Mentioned) 51 – 52

"So, if Chumley beats Crowler in a duel, he gets to go and work for Industrial Illusion!" said Rose in shock as Jaden and Syrus told her and Alexis.

"Yeah! Are you guys coming to see?" asked Syrus.

"Of course!" said Alexis.

"Sorry guys, I can't. I promised to help Zane with some things," said Rose with an apologetic smile.

"What are you helping him with?" asked Jaden with a serious look.

"That's a secret!" smiled Rose with a winky face. She then walked away while waving at the group. "Tell Chumley that I believe in him!"

"See you later!" yelled Syrus.

'Now to see what Zane wants that's so important,' thought Rose as she walked to the Obelisk Blue dorms.

~At The Obelisk Blue Dorms~

"Zane?" Rose said as she neared said boy.

"Rose," replied Zane as he turned to look at her. "Follow me."

"Um, okay?" said Rose as she followed him to his dorm. "Is something wrong?"

"I got the best scores in the graduating class."

"That sounds like a good thing," giggled Rose. Zane smirked.

"It is, but now I have a problem. You see, the person who scores the highest in the graduating class gets to duel one person of their choosing at the graduation ceremony. I have duel everyone who is the best."

"So now you don't know who to duel?" asked Rose, confused. 'Is he going to ask me to duel him?'

"There are only one people I want to duel. Jaden," said Zane as he looked at her.

"I understand, but why come to me?" asked Rose in shock.

"You are one of the best duelist in your class, besides Jaden. You are the top of your class, so I want to know your opinion on this matter."

"In all honesty, I don't think my opinion should matter at all," said Rose with a smile, shocking Zane.

"What do you mean?"

"If you really want to duel Jaden, then you should do it. It's what your heart and gut is telling you. You want a duel to remember. It's the reason you didn't choose me. I always practice duel with you. You've only ever dueled Jaden once. Yeah, you may of won, but you felt something in that duel. That's why you want to duel him."

"Hm. I can always count on you to say things as they are," said Zane with a smirk.

"Duh!" said Rose with a laugh. "Now come on! I want to see Chumley off!"

"Where's he going?" asked Zane, confused.

"He was offered a job at Industrial Illusions! If he beats Crowler, he can go!" said Rose with excitement.

"Is that so. That's good for him," said Zane with a soft smile.

"I know! Now let's go! Even if we miss the duel, we can still send him off!"

"You are so sure he's going to win?" asked Zane as the two left his room.

"I'm sure he's going to pass," she replied with a smirk. Zane smirked pass.

"Yes. You don't always have to win to pass."

~Two Days Later, Graduation Match~

The group of friends sat in the stadium as they looked at the arena.

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