Sibling Rivalry

712 15 7

Episode(s): 35

"What's going on?" asked Rose as she walked up to Bastion and Alexis.

"Everyone things Chazz is going to lose!" said Alexis in worry.

"What!?" said Rose in shock.

"Yes, and he's not taking it well," said Bastion with a hand on his chin. "Jaden tried to make him feel better, but Chazz didn't take it well."

"Honestly Chazz, you're not making any sense," said Bastion as he maneuvered the girls toward the arguing group.

"Huh?" asked Jaden in shock as he looked at his friends.

'Why is Bastion's hand on Rose's back?' thought both Jaden and Chazz as they looked at the approaching group.

"Bastion's right," said Alexis. "Being tough is usually a good thing, Chazz."

"Look it's," started Chazz, only to be cut off by Zane.

"It's about Chazz here being too tough," said Zane as he walked up, "specifically his deck. It's about Chazz not even being able to duel."

"What do ya mean?" asked Syrus.

"What he means is that his deck is built with monsters that have attack points over 500. Completely different from what he needs," said Rose as she looked at the boys.

"So then," started Jaden as he looked at Chazz in concern.

"My cars are all too powerful. 'Cause of that condition my bro's set up, my deck is useless. All I've got left is him."

'A fucking potato,' thought Rose with a sweat drop.

"You can't make a deck with one card!" yelled Jaden in concern.

"He may not need to," said a voice. The students turned around and saw Banner sitting on the stairs. "This is but a rumor, but given the circumstances, it may be worth investing.

"Now, supposedly, my students, deep in the woods, sits a very old well and within this well, lay a great many cards. You see, they were discarded there by duelists who believed them too weak to ever use in their decks. Of course, the spirits of all those cards are quite angry for being left behind."

"Oh yeah?" said Chazz in a challenging voice. "Well, the Chazz has a feeling they're going to be perking up real soon. 'Cause I'm gonna find that well and enlisting some new monsters for my deck!"

"Go get 'em Chazz! Save the school!" said everyone in happiness.

~The Next day~

"Ladies and gentlemen! Today's match determines the fate of duel academy! Slade Princeton versus Chazz Princeton!" said the announcer. "Now, are you ready to duel?"

"If you want to back out," said Slade with a smirk. "Tell me now!"

"Does this answer your question?" said Chazz as he brought up his duel disk.

"Bring it!"

"DUEL!" said the two.

"So Syrus, I've been wondering, do you actually use your glasses? I mean, there not in front of your eyes. Do you need them just to read or something?" asked Rose to her friend as the duel went on.

"What?" asked Syrus from the other side of Jaden.

"You know, I've been wondering that too!" said Alexis.

"What?" said a flustered Syrus. The group turned to look at Zane who was sitting behind them.

"I don't know," said Zane as he continued to look at the duel.

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