40. The Sun and The Moon

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Alex stepped up to the altar. Elena was still standing in a circle of fire, a mix of feelings across her face as she watched as Alex had to step over Greta's dead body to look into the bowl. The moonstone was still holding its shape, flames burning around it, with the blood from the werewolf's heart coating it.

Klaus knelt down beside Rose's unconscious body and pulled out a stake. He plunged it into her chest, making her body instantly start to turn grey. He pulled the stake from her chest before walking up to the altar. He smiled and held it out to Alex.

"Drop it into the flames," she said.

Klaus did as she said; the stake – coated in Rose's blood – turned to ash as it touched the flames, the blood mixing with that of the werewolf's to make the moonstone crack. Alex could feel the magic of the moon as well as the moonstone; she lifted her hands to funnel the magic, directing it where it needed to go. It took a moment for the magic to settle, and Alex dropped her hands.

The pleased look on Klaus' face aggravated Alex, but she stayed where she was. The fire around Elena went out as Klaus turned and walked over to her. He stretched out his hand towards her like he was asking for nothing more than for her to walk with him. Elena knocked his hand away and strode past Klaus towards the altar. Klaus chuckled at her defiance but followed. Elena stopped on the other side of the altar and locked eyes with Alex. The fear was still present, but Alex could always see her determination and strength.

Alex wanted nothing more than for there to be another way, but she needed Klaus to be weak. His first transition as a werewolf would be something he wouldn't be able to stop, he would be vulnerable, and Alex could use it against him.

Klaus stepped up behind Elena, his smirk firmly in place. He said, "Thank you, my dear."

Elena sneered at him and said, "Go to hell."

Klaus laughed softly before he pulled back and opened his mouth. Alex couldn't tear her eyes away as Klaus' fangs extended and the dark veins appeared beneath his eyes. He bit down on Elena's throat, her face and body tensing as Klaus wrapped an arm around her.

Alex felt her throat swell as Klaus drained away Elena's life. Elena's eyes closed, and her body drooped into Klaus' arms.

As Klaus pulled back, he opened his eyes, and they had turned a bright yellow. The fire in the bowl went out, and the moonstone was left as nothing more than dust in the bowl. Klaus dropped Elena, her body hitting the floor as Klaus took a step away from them.

Alex dropped down beside Elena. For the moment, Elena was dead, and that thought brought tears to Alex's eyes. She took a deep breath, telling herself that she would wake up, but there was one more thing she needed to do. Alex took a moment to hold Elena in her arms, but she looked up when she heard the first crack.

Klaus cried out as his leg snapped, his transition having begun.

Alex shifted to gently place Elena down on the ground. She brushed the hair from her face and went to stand. Before she could get up, hands grabbed at her and threw her to the ground. The furious face of Damon Salvatore glared down at her as his hands wrapped around her throat.

"You sent your own sister to the slaughter," he hissed.

Alex glared up at him and struggled for breath as he pressed down.

"Damon, what are you doing?" Stefan's voice reached their ears.

Damon kept his eyes fixed on her, the sound of Klaus' bones broke behind them, and Alex knew they were wasting time.

"Let me go," snapped Alex.

Damon sneered. "You killed your own sister!"

Alex grabbed at his hands, her fingers wrapping around his wrists. She focused on his head, causing as much pain as she could. Damon's cried out, and the pressure on her neck stopped. She used her hand to throw Damon away from her before standing up.

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