28. Making Decisions

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The full moon was in a week, and Alex couldn't relax. Things had been almost boring, and that had Alex on edge more than ever. Klaus hadn't made an appearance since he had been inhabiting Alaric's body, Mikael had been silent since he killed Alaric, and Alex hadn't heard from Renee since she threatened Elena. Alex was waiting for the shoe to drop, mainly because she was still avoiding Elijah.

After her conversation with James and the end of their relationship, Alex hadn't really gone anywhere. She had stayed in the Gilbert house and was somewhat obsessively studying the desiccation spell, coming up with a few different plans for when they face Klaus or Mikael, whichever they had the opportunity to take down first. The only problem was the spell wasn't something you could just do; it required a human heart to stop, and Alex wasn't just going to use anyone. Jeremy had offered, but after a lot of yelling from Jenna, Elena, Alex and Bonnie, he had been overruled, and Alaric had stepped forward to be the person whose heart she stopped. It also meant that Alaric had basically been living at the house – which was fine – but the house was starting to feel a little crowded.

Jenna decided that what they all needed was something a little more normal, as well as some fresh air. It was how Alex found herself standing on the large porch of the Lockwood's manor. It was the last place she wanted to be, surrounded by the locals that she had never liked and forced to pretend that their lives were about to be possibly destroyed by a cursed vampire. But it was also the place she needed to be. Everyone she cared about was here; Jenna, Jeremy, Elena. She was keeping an eye on each of them, making sure they weren't alone.

Elena seemed to have Stefan glued to her side, and for the first time in a while, she saw Elena have a carefree moment as Stefan dipped her into a kiss. It made her smile to see Elena so happy, and Alex hated herself for wanting to ruin it by tearing Stefan away from her. Jeremy was with Bonnie, who still seemed glum regarding the truth about her mother, but seemed content to sit by Jeremy. And Jenna was with Alaric, and while Alaric wasn't supernatural, he could at least give Jenna a chance to run. Damon was also bouncing around, clinking his glass with Alaric occasionally as well as talking to a few of the town's council members.

All in all, it seemed to be a normal town affair.

Alex walked back inside the house to head over to the bar. Of course, the event had been declared semi-formal, so Alex needed a drink to deal with the heels Elena had thrown at her to wear. They were comfortable for six-inch heels, but she knew her feet would hate her later. She ordered herself a scotch and smiled gladly as she picked it up to take a sip.

"I would have thought as a Founding Family member you would enjoy such events."

Alex turned to see Jonas Martin. He leant against the bar beside her and ordered his own drink. "Dr Martin, I didn't expect to find you at such an event."

"I don't normally come to these things, but I actually wanted to talk to you."

"What about?"

"The last time we spoke, Elijah explained the plan. We want to find the location of the dead witches to harness their magic."

Alex said, "Perhaps we should discuss this where there are fewer ears."

Jonas nodded, and they walked away from the bar and back outside. They moved to stand to the far side on the back porch, where no one would be able to surprise them from behind. Alex took a seat on a wooden bench that sat against the railing and said, "I don't know the location of where the witches died."

"Have you looked?"

"Honestly, no. Things have been...busy. I've been making progress on a plan of my own, however."

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