39. Together

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Alex reached across the console of the car to grab Elena's hand. She gave it a firm squeeze and looked at her sister, who looked alarmingly calm. Elena placed her other hand on top of Alex's and offered a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" Alex asked.

Elena nodded. "I am. I trust you."

Alex said, "By the time the sun rises, you will be safe, and Klaus will be sealed in a coffin."

Elena squeezed their joined hands again before she opened the car door and climbed out. Alex climbed out too and walked around, her hand falling to grasp at her pocket where the moonstone sat.

Things weren't going according to plan, not at all. Alex had realised that beating Klaus wasn't going to be so simple and straightforward. He could have more than just his witch with him; he was holding Jenna hostage and at any moment could decide to kill her. She also could risk Klaus killing her because the link that now bound her to Elena – to keep Elena safe – would have the reserve effect if Klaus decided she was in the way. All of these things meant that Alex needed Klaus at his weakest moment, but to get him there, he would need to break his curse.

No one had reacted well when Alex had explained it to them. Elena had agreed, not knowing that after Klaus killed her and broke the curse that Alex would die in her place. James had stood beside her, but she could also see his dislike for the plan. Stefan and Damon, however, refused to accept it. Elena's friends had protested as well, but seeing Elena's insistence and Alex confidence that it would work, they had come around. But Damon had refused.

Damon had blocked their way when they had tried to leave; he had grabbed Elena and tried to force vampire blood down her throat. It had been his desperate attempt to save Elena, thinking only about himself, but Alex had prevented him from doing it. Damon had laid across the front porch with a broken neck, leaving only Stefan to try and convince Elena not to go. But he hadn't succeeded.

Alex hadn't trusted the Salvatore brothers to stay out of it. She knew that he would interfere once Damon had woken up, so she decided to seal them inside the house. The boundary spell would break when the full moon hit its peak, but they wouldn't have enough time to reach them and get in the way by then.

So there they were, minutes away from facing Klaus, and there was no turning back. James walked in front with Robert, both of them and Sarah were there as backup, just in case, Klaus had more minions hiding.

Elena stopped walking, making Alex look back at her.

"What's wrong?" asked Alex.

Elena frowned. "I'm scared."

Alex glanced at James and Robert, who stepped away to give them some privacy. Sarah lingered closer but not too close.

"It's okay to be scared."

"I don't want to be, though. I feel that if I'm scared, it means that Klaus wins."

Alex sighed. "Monsters like Klaus thrive off fear, and he will enjoy your fear, but that doesn't mean he has won. He has no idea what is going to happen, and when he realises that he walked right into our trap, he will be the one who is scared."

Elena said, "When this is all over, can you promise me something?"

Alex held in the pained expression that wanted to fall over her face, and she nodded.

"Can we all go to the Lake House? You, me, Jeremy and Jenna."

Alex smiled. Their family's Lake House had always held good memories for them. "That sounds like a great plan. Maybe during the Summer, we can spend a month down there."

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