20. Back to High School

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Denial was the plan. Alex was going to pretend that nothing had almost happened and no one needed to know. It was going to work, and she would make sure that she was never alone with Elijah again.

Alex had come straight back to the house after being with Elijah and, after having a panic attack in her car, had walked in with perfect calm. She called James and told him about the desiccation. They agreed it was a great plan to have in reserve, but they would need to find a spell to do such a thing; it wasn't in Alex's grimoire, and Alex refused to contact Elijah to ask Jonas if he had anything. When she came up with nothing, she thought about Bonnie; she could know something. Then she also remembered Mikael, he had been desiccated in a tomb, what witch had done that? So that was her next step.

After burning sage to give herself the privacy she needed, Alex called the number that Mikael had called her from.

"Alexandra," he answered.

"Mikael, I have a question for you."

He asked. "Is this in regards to Niklaus?"

Alex sighed. "Yes, and no."

"What does that mean?"

"While I have faith that you will succeed in killing your son—"

Mikael cut her off. "He is not my son."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Not having a backup plan would be foolish."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"How were you desiccated in that tomb?"

"A witch; she tricked me into following her to Charlotte, where she cast a spell and locked me away."

"Do you know her name?"

"Abby Bennett."

Alex's eyes went wide. "Bennett?"

"Yes, Bennett."

"Great, thanks." Hanging up, Alex couldn't help but smile. Abby Bennett had to be related to Bonnie; that would make tracking her down easier.

A few knocks on her bedroom door made Alex lookup.

"Come in," she said.

The door opened, and Elena stepped in. Her face was troubled, and she looked shaken.

"Are you alright?" asked Alex.

Elena shook her head.

"What happened?"

"Isobel, she's dead."

"What?" Alex closed her grimoire and jumped off her bed. She walked over to Elena and led her to sit down.

Elena squeezed their connected hands and said, "After everything today, I just wanted to do something normal. So Stefan took me to the Grille, and we bumped into Isobel and John. They took me."

Alex's hands clenched.

"John knocked out Stefan with vervain, and Isobel took me to her car." Elena took a shaky breath. "I begged her to stop, but she wouldn't."

"Where did she take you?"

"To a cemetery."

Alex frowned.

"She showed me the tombstone that her parents had made for her when they never found her after she disappeared."

"I don't understand."

"Klaus compelled her. Isobel said that she searched for Klaus when she left Mystic Falls the last time because of Katherine. They had a plan where they would trade me and the moonstone for Katherine's freedom. What type of woman would do that to their own child?"

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